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Guppy, C.N
Chen, Y
Giriyappa, M
Cesario Pinto, J
Corassa, G
Ganascini, D
G.M. Florax, R.J
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Trotter, M.G
Lamb, D.W
Hinch, G.N
Guppy, C.N
Sauer, B
Guppy, C.N
Trotter, M.G
Lamb, D.W
Delgado, J.A
Giriyappa, M
Sheshadri, T
Hanumanthappa, D
Shankar, M
Salimath, S.B
Rudramuni, T
Raju, N
Devakumar, N
Mallikaarjuna, G
Malagi, M.T
Jangandi, S
Griffin, T.W
G.M. Florax, R.J
Lowenberg-DeBoer, J
Chen, Y
He, Y
Hachisuca, A
Souza, E.G
Mercante, E
Sobjak, R
Ganascini, D
Abdala, M
Mendes, I
Bazzi, C
Rodrigues, M
Cesario Pinto, J
Thompson, L
Mueller, N
Mieno, T
Puntel, L
Paccioretti, P
Balboa, G
Carcedo, A
Antunes de Almeida, L.F
Horbe, T
Corassa, G
Pott, L.P
Ciampitti, I
Hintz, G.D
Hefley, T
Schwalbert, R.A
Prasad, V
Precision Livestock Management
Precision Nutrient Management
Precision Nutrient Management
Modelling and Geo-Statistics
Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems
Decision Support Systems
On Farm Experimentation with Site-Specific Technologies
Weather and Models for Precision Agriculture
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Filter results8 paper(s) found.

1. GNSS Tracking Of Livestock: Towards Variable Fertilizer Strategies For The Grazing Industry

This study reveals the potential for GPS tracking in the grazing industry. By monitoring the locations and movement of livestock, times of peak grazing activity can be identified and these can in turn produce maps of preferred grazing areas, and by examining residency times provide an indication of spatial variability in grazing pressure. A comparison of grazing preference can be made to similarly inferred camping areas to understand the potential redistribution of nutrients within a paddock.... M.G. Trotter, D.W. Lamb, G.N. Hinch, C.N. Guppy

2. Matching Nitrogen To Plant Available Water For Malting Barley On Highly Constrained Vertosol Soil

Crop yield monitoring, high resolution aerial imagery and electromagnetic induction (EMI) soil sensing are three widely used techniques in precision agriculture (PA). Yield maps provide an indication of the crop’s response to a particular management regime in light of spatially-variable constraints. Aerial imagery provides timely and accurate information about photosynthetically-active biomass during crop growth and EMI indicates spatial variability in soil texture, salinity and/or... B. Sauer, C.N. Guppy, M.G. Trotter, D.W. Lamb, J.A. Delgado

3. Precision Nutrient Management For Enhancing The Yield Of Groundnut In Peninsular India

               Groundnut is an important oil seed crop grown in an area of around 8 lakh hectares in Karnataka state of India under rainfed conditions. In these situations farmers applied inadequate fertilizer without knowing the initial nutrient status of the soil which resulted in low nutrient use efficiency that intern lead to low productivity of groundnut in these areas. Soil fertility deterioration due to... M. Giriyappa, T. Sheshadri, D. Hanumanthappa, M. Shankar, S.B. Salimath, T. Rudramuni, N. Raju, N. Devakumar, G. Mallikaarjuna, M.T. Malagi, S. Jangandi

4. Evaluating Spatial Effects Induced by Alternative On- Farm Trial Experimental Designs with Cross-regressive Variables Using Monte Carlo Methods

The goal of this research was to adapt spatial regression methods to on-farm trials in a farm management context. Different experimental designs and statistical analysis methods are tested with site-specific data under a range of spatial autocorrelation levels using Monte Carlo simulation techniques. Simulations indicated that data usable for farm management decision making could be gathered from limited replication experimental designs if that data were analyzed with the appropriate spatial statistical... T.W. Griffin, R.J. G.m. florax, J. Lowenberg-deboer

5. Rape Plant NDVI Spatial Distribution Model Based on 3D Reconstruction

Plants’ morphology changes in their growing process. The 3D reconstruction of plant is of great significance for studying the impacts of plant morphology on biomass estimation, illness and insect infestation, genetic expression, etc. At present, the 3D point cloud reconstructed through 3D reconstruction mainly includes the morphology, color and other features of the plant, but cannot reflect the change in spatial 3D distribution of organic matters caused by the nutritional status (e.g. chlorophyll... Y. Chen, Y. He

6. AgDataBox-IoT Application Development for Agrometeorogical Stations in Smart Farm

Currently, Brazil is one of the world’s largest grain producers and exporters. Brazil produced 125 million tons of soybean in the 2019/2020 growing season, becoming the world’s largest soybean producer in 2020. Brazil’s economic dependence on agribusiness makes investments and research necessary to increase yield and profitability. Agriculture has already entered its 4.0 version, also known as digital agriculture, when the industry has entered the 4.0 era. This new paradigm uses... A. Hachisuca, E.G. Souza, E. Mercante, R. Sobjak, D. Ganascini, M. Abdala, I. Mendes, C. Bazzi, M. Rodrigues

7. Site-specific Evaluation of Sensor-based Winter Wheat Nitrogen Tools Via On-farm Research

Crop producers face the challenge of optimizing high yields and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) in their agricultural practices. Enhancing NUE has been demonstrated by adopting digital agricultural technologies for site-specific nitrogen (N) management, such as remote-sensing based N recommendations for winter wheat. However, winter wheat fields are often uniformly fertilized, disregarding the inherent variability within the fields. Thus, an on-farm evaluation of sensor-based N tools is needed to... J. Cesario pinto, L. Thompson, N. Mueller, T. Mieno, L. Puntel, P. Paccioretti, G. Balboa

8. Assessing Soybean Water Stress Patterns and ENSO Occurrence in Southern Brazil: an in Silico Approach

Water stress (WS) is one of the most important abiotic stresses worldwide, responsible for crop yield penalties and impacting food supply. The frequency and intensity of weather stresses are relevant to delimitating agricultural regions. In addition, El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) has been employed to forecast the occurrence of seasonal WS. Lastly, planting date and cultivar maturity selection are key management strategies for boosting soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) yield... A. Carcedo, L.F. Antunes de almeida, T. Horbe, G. Corassa, L.P. Pott, I. Ciampitti, G.D. Hintz, T. Hefley, R.A. Schwalbert, V. Prasad