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Tangerino, G.T
Tian, Y
Williams, R
P.W Clevers, J.G
Phillips, S.B
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Rund, Q
Williams, R
Tangerino, G.T
Sousa, R.V
Porto, A.J
Inamasu, R.
Pinkston, P
Moss, J.Q
Pan, X
Tian, Y
Hutchinson, A
Rund, Q
Murrell, S
Erbe, A
Williams, R
Williams, E
Mullen, R.W
Phillips, S.B
Raun, W.R
Thomason, W.E
P.W Clevers, J.G
Wijnholds, K.H
Jukema, J.N
Emerging Issues in Precision Agriculture (Energy, Biofuels, Climate Change)
Sensor Application in Managing In-season Crop Variability
Precision Horticulture
Big Data Mining & Statistical Issues in Precision Agriculture
Remote Sensing for Nitrogen Management
Remote Sensing Application / Sensor Technology
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Filter results6 paper(s) found.

1. Nugis: The Development Of A Nutrient Use Geographic Information System

NuGIS is a project of the International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI). The goal was to examine sources of nutrients (fertilizers and manure) and compare this to crop removal. The project used GIS and database analysis to create maps at the state and county level and then used GIS to migrate the budget analysis to the local watershed and regional watershed levels. This paper will cover the sources of data used, how the data was processed to generate county level numbers, and how GIS was used... Q. Rund, R. Williams

2. Embedded Sensing System To Control Variable Rate Agricultural Inputs

 This paper presents an embedded sensing system for agricultural machines to collect information about plants and also to control the application of fertilizer with variable rate in corn crop. The Crop Circle reflectance sensor was used with the aim to explore the spectral... G.T. Tangerino, R.V. Sousa, A.J. Porto, R. . Inamasu, P. Pinkston

3. Normalized Difference Vegetative Index For Evaluating Turfgrass Color: A Comparison Of Two Handheld Devices

The normalized difference vegetative index (NDVI) is a commonly used light reflectance index in agriculture. For turfgrass research, color and herbicide phytotoxicity have historically been subjectively rated by human evaluators. Prior research has related NDVI to creeping bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera L.) (R2 = 0.50) and tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb) (R2 = 0.80) color, and bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon... J.Q. Moss, X. Pan, Y. Tian, A. Hutchinson

4. North American Soil Test Summary

With the assistance and cooperation of numerous private and public soil testing laboratories, the International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI) periodically summarizes soil test levels in North America (NA). Soil tests indicate the relative capacity of soil to provide nutrients to plants. Therefore, this summary can be viewed as an indicator of the nutrient supplying capacity or fertility of soils in NA. This is the eleventh summary completed by IPNI or its predecessor, the Potash &... Q. Rund, S. Murrell, A. Erbe, R. Williams, E. Williams

5. Developing Nitrogen Algorithms for Corn Production Using Optical Sensors

Remote sensing for nitrogen management in cereal crops has been an intensive research area due to environmental concerns and economic realities of today’s agronomic system. In the search for improved nitrogen rate decisions, what approach is most often taken and are those approaches justified through scientific investigation? The objective of this presentation is to educate decision makers on how these algorithms are developed and evaluate how well they work in the field on a small-plot... R.W. Mullen, S.B. Phillips, W.R. Raun, W.E. Thomason

6. Remote Sensing-based Biomass Maps for an Efficient Use of Fertilizers

For decades the main objective of farmers was to get the highest yields from their farmland. Nowadays, quality of agricultural products is becoming more and more important for the largest returns. In addition, the effects on our environment are also becoming important. These put increasing limitations on modern agriculture. So-called site-specific management can optimize the input of, for instance, nutrients and pesticides to the need of the plants. In this study, the objective was to study whether... J.G. P.w clevers, K.H. Wijnholds, J.N. Jukema