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Rovira-Más, F
Ravindran, P
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Saiz-Rubio, V
Diago, M
Tardaguila, J
Gutierrez, S
Rovira-Más, F
Alves, F
Herrmann, I
Vosberg, S
Ravindran, P
Singh, A
Townsend, P
Conley, S
Robotics, Guidance and Automation
Precision Agriculture and Global Food Security
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Canopy Temperature Mapping with a Vineyard Robot

The wine industry is a strategic sector in many countries worldwide. High revenues in the wine market typically result in higher investments in specialized equipment, so that producers can introduce disruptive technology for increasing grape production and quality. However, many European producers are approaching retirement age, and therefore the agricultural sector needs a way for attracting young farmers who can assure the smooth transition between generations; digital technology offers an opportunity... V. Saiz-rubio, M. Diago, J. Tardaguila, S. Gutierrez, F. Rovira-más, F. Alves

2. Exploring Tractor Mounted Hyperspectral System Ability to Detect Sudden Death Syndrome Infection and Assess Yield in Soybean

Pre-visual detection of crop disease is critical for both food and economic security. The sudden death syndrome (SDS) in soybeans, caused by Fusarium virguliforme (Fv), induces 100 million US$ crop loss, per year, in the US alone. Field-based spectroscopic remote sensing offers a method to enable timely detection, but still requires appropriate instrumentation and testing. Soybean plants were measured at canopy level over a course of a growing season to assess the capacity of spectral measurements... I. Herrmann, S. Vosberg, P. Ravindran, A. Singh, P. Townsend, S. Conley