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Pravia, V
Parashuramegowda, C.C
Prasad, V
Pajuelo Madrigal, V
Passalaqua, B.P
Perez-Ruiz, M
Add filter to result:
Pravia, V
Terra, J.A
Parashuramegowda, C.C
Ciampitti, I.A
Shroyer, K
Prasad, V
Sharda, A
Stamm, M.J
Wang, H
Price, K
Mangus, D
Varela, S
Balboa, G
Prasad, V
Griffin, T
Ciampitti, I
Ferguson, A
Varela, S
Balboa, G
Prasad, V
Griffin, T
Ciampitti, I
Ferguson, A
Passalaqua, B.P
Molin, J
Salvi, J
Aguilera, A.P
Perez-Ruiz, M
Apolo-Apolo, E
Egea, G
Martinez-Guanter, J
Marin-Barrero, C
Cabrera Dengra, M
Ferraz Pueyo, C
Pajuelo Madrigal, V
Moreno Heras, L
Inunciaga Leston, G
Fortes, R
Carcedo, A
Antunes de Almeida, L.F
Horbe, T
Corassa, G
Pott, L.P
Ciampitti, I
Hintz, G.D
Hefley, T
Schwalbert, R.A
Prasad, V
Gomez, F
Diatta, A
Nagarajan, L
Prasad, V
Stewart, Z
Zingore, S
Ciampitti, I
Djighaly, P
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Applications of UAVs (unmanned aircraft vehicle systems) in precision agriculture
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Engineering Technologies and Advances
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
Profitability and Success Stories in Precision Agriculture
Weather and Models for Precision Agriculture
Big Data, Data Mining and Deep Learning
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Filter results10 paper(s) found.

1. Does Pasture Longevity Under Direct Grazing Affect Field-scale Sorghum Yield Spatial Variability In Crop-pasture Rotation Systems?

Crop yield spatial variability is usually related to terrain attributes and soil properties. In pasture systems, soil properties are affected by animal grazing. However, soil and terrain attributes relation with crop yield variability has not been assessed in crop-pasture rotations.... V. Pravia, J.A. Terra, Roel

2. Soil And Crop Spatial Variability In Cotton Grown On Deep Black Cotton Soils

Soil spatial variation is observed under similar management situation in cotton growing soils of Northern Karnataka. In view of this an experiment was conducted to study the spatial variability in soil with respect soil reaction (pH), Electrical conductivity (Ec), Organic carbon (OC%), all major (N,P,K), secondary (Ca, Mg and S) and micronutrients (Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn) by assessing soil nutrients in deep black cotton soils of the experimental station for... C.C. Parashuramegowda

3. sUAVS Technology For Better Monitoring Crop Status For Winter Canola

The small-unmanned aircraft vehicles (sUAVS) are currently gaining more popularity in agriculture with uses including identification of weeds and crop production issues, diagnosing nutrient deficiencies, detection of chemical drift, scouting for pests, identification of biotic or abiotic stresses, and prediction of biomass and yield. Research information on the use of sUAVS have been published and conducted in crops such as rice, wheat, and corn, but the development of... I.A. Ciampitti, K. Shroyer, V. Prasad, A. Sharda, M.J. Stamm, H. Wang, K. Price, D. Mangus

4. Spatial-temporal Evaluation of Plant Phenotypic Traits Via Imagery Collected by Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)

Unmanned aerial systems (UAS) and a stereovision approach were implemented to generate a 3D reconstruction of the top of the canopy. The 3D reconstruction or CSM (crop surface model) was utilized to evaluate biophysical parameters for both spatial- and temporal-scales. The main goal of the project was to evaluate sUAVs technology to assist plant height and biomass estimation. The main outcome of this process was to utilize CSMs to gain insights in the spatial-temporal dynamic of plants within... S. Varela, G. Balboa, V. Prasad, T. Griffin, I. Ciampitti, A. Ferguson

5. Spatial-temporal Evaluation of Plant Phenotypic Traits Via Imagery Collected by Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS)

Unmanned aerial systems (UAS) and a stereovision approach were implemented to generate a 3D reconstruction of the top of the canopy. The 3D reconstruction or CSM (crop surface model) was utilized to evaluate biophysical parameters for both spatial- and temporal-scales. The main goal of the project was to evaluate sUAVs technology to assist plant height and biomass estimation. The main outcome of this process was to utilize CSMs to gain insights in the spatial-temporal dynamic of plants within... S. Varela, G. Balboa, V. Prasad, T. Griffin, I. Ciampitti, A. Ferguson

6. Misalignment Between Sugar Cane Transshipment Trailers and Tractor

Sugarcane production system is dependent on a continuous cutting and regrowth of cane plants from their roots, on which traffic should be avoided to ensure the physiological integrity of regrowth and productivity.  This need for accuracy in sugarcane machine traffic boosted the adoption of automated steering systems, especially on harvesters. Tractors with the transshipment trailers, which continually accompany the harvesters in the field, yet do not adopt it or use technology with lower... B.P. Passalaqua, J. Molin, J. Salvi, A.P. Aguilera

7. Feasibility of Estimating the Leaf Area Index of Maize Traits with Hemispherical Images Captured from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Feeding a global population of 9.1 billion in 2050 will require food production to be increased by approximately 60%. In this context, plant breeders are demanding more effective and efficient field-based phenotyping methods to accelerate the development of more productive cultivars under contrasting environmental constraints. The leaf area index (LAI) is a dimensionless biophysical parameter of great interest to maize breeders since it is directly related to crop productivity. The LAI is defined... M. Perez-ruiz, E. Apolo-apolo, G. Egea, J. Martinez-guanter, C. Marin-barrero

8. Use of MLP Neural Networks for Sucrose Yield Prediction in Sugarbeet

INTRODUCTION Sugar beet is one of the more technified agro industries in Spain. In the last years, it has leaded as well the digital transformation with the objective of maintaining sugar beet competitivity both national and internationally. Among other lines, very high potential has been identified in determining the sucrose content using a combination of Artificial Intelligence and Remote Sensing. This work presents the conclusions of an extensive data acquisition task, creation of... M. Cabrera dengra, C. Ferraz pueyo, V. Pajuelo madrigal, L. Moreno heras, G. Inunciaga leston, R. Fortes

9. Assessing Soybean Water Stress Patterns and ENSO Occurrence in Southern Brazil: an in Silico Approach

Water stress (WS) is one of the most important abiotic stresses worldwide, responsible for crop yield penalties and impacting food supply. The frequency and intensity of weather stresses are relevant to delimitating agricultural regions. In addition, El Nino Southern Oscillation (ENSO) has been employed to forecast the occurrence of seasonal WS. Lastly, planting date and cultivar maturity selection are key management strategies for boosting soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) yield... A. Carcedo, L.F. Antunes de almeida, T. Horbe, G. Corassa, L.P. Pott, I. Ciampitti, G.D. Hintz, T. Hefley, R.A. Schwalbert, V. Prasad

10. An Open Database of Crop Yield Response to Fertilizer Application for Senegal

Food security is one of the major global challenges today.  Africa is one of the continents with the largest gaps in terms of challenges for food security. In Senegal, about 60% of the population resides in rural areas and the cropping systems are characterized as a low productivity system, low input and in reduced areas, smallholder subsistence systems. Increasing crop productivity would have a positive impact on food security in this country. One of the main factors limiting crop productivity... F. Gomez, A. Carcedo, A. Diatta, L. Nagarajan, V. Prasad, Z. Stewart, S. Zingore, I. Ciampitti, P. Djighaly