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Singh, M
Sulik, J
Sklenar, T
Stefanini, M
Sørensen, C.G
Stevens, G
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Singh, M
Sharma, A
Singh, G
Fixen, P
Gelder, B.K
Cruse, R
James, D
Herzmann, D
Sandoval-Green, C
Sklenar, T
Larson, J.A
Stefanini, M
Lambert, D.M
Yin, X
Boyer, C.N
Varco, J.J
Scharf , P.C
Tubaña, B.S
Dunn, D
Savoy, H.J
Buschermohle, M.J
Tyler, D.D
Kumar, S
Singh, M
Mirzakhaninafchi, H
Modi, R.U
Ali, M
Bhardwaj, M
Soni, R
Vories, E
Jones, A
Stevens, G
Meeks, C
Jørgensen, R.N
Skovsen, S
Green, O
Sørensen, C.G
Asgedom, H
Hehar, G
Willness, C
Anderson, W
Duddu, H
Mooleki, P
Schoenau, J
Khakbazan, M
Lemke, R
Derdall, E
Shang, J
Liu, K
Sulik, J
Karppinen, E
Mbakwe, I
Sensor Application in Managing In-season Crop Variability
Precision Conservation Management
Profitability, Sustainability and Adoption
Small Holders and Precision Agriculture
On Farm Experimentation with Site-Specific Technologies
Robotics and Automation with Row and Horticultural Crops
Site-Specific Nutrient, Lime and Seed Management
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Filter results7 paper(s) found.

1. Development Of Batch Type Yield Monitor For Small Fields

 Abstract The yield monitor is intended to give the user an accurate assessment of yield variations y within a field. A yield monitor can assist grain producers in many aspects of crop management. A yield monitor by itself can provide useful information and enhance on-farm research. Yield data can... M. Singh, A. Sharma, G. Singh, P. Fixen

2. The Daily Erosion Project - High Resolution, Daily Estimates of Runoff, Detachment, Erosion, and Soil Moisture

Runoff and sediment transport from agricultural uplands are substantial threats to water quality and sustained crop production. Farmers, conservationists, and policy makers must understand how landforms, soil types, farming practices, and rainfall affect soil erosion and runoff in order to improve management of soil and water resources. A system was designed and implemented a decade ago to inventory precipitation, runoff, and soil erosion across the state of Iowa, United States. That system utilized... B.K. Gelder, R. Cruse, D. James, D. Herzmann, C. Sandoval-green, T. Sklenar

3. Net Returns and Production Use Efficiency for Optical Sensing and Variable Rate Nitrogen Technologies in Cotton Production

This research evaluated the profitability and N use efficiency of real time on-the-go optical sensing measurements (OPM) and variable-rate technologies (VRT) to manage spatial variability in cotton production in the Mississippi River Basin states of Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and Tennessee. Two forms of OPM and VRT and the existing farmer practice (FP) were used to determine N fertilizer rates applied to cotton on farm fields in the four states. Changes in yields and N rates due to OPM... J.A. Larson, M. Stefanini, D.M. Lambert, X. Yin, C.N. Boyer, J.J. Varco, P.C. Scharf , B.S. Tubaña, D. Dunn, H.J. Savoy, M.J. Buschermohle, D.D. Tyler

4. Practical and Affordable Technologies for Precision Agriculture in Small Fields: Present Status and Scope in India

The objective of this review paper is to find out practical and affordable precision agriculture(PA) technologies present status and scope in India that are suitable for small fields. The judicious use of inputs like water, fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides and better management of farm equipments will increase the net profit for farmers. The important components of PA in India which are being used for small lands are Geographic Information System(GIS), laser land leveler, leaf color chart,... S. Kumar, M. Singh, H. Mirzakhaninafchi, R.U. Modi, M. Ali, M. Bhardwaj, R. Soni

5. Variety Effects on Cotton Yield Monitor Calibration

While modern grain yield monitors are able to harvest variety and hybrid trials without imposing bias, cotton yield monitors are affected by varietal properties. With planters capable of site-specific planting of multiple varieties, it is essential to better understand cotton yield monitor calibration. Large-plot field experiments were conducted with two southeast Missouri cotton producers to compare yield monitor-estimated weights and observed weights in replicated variety trials. Two replications... E. Vories, A. Jones, G. Stevens, C. Meeks

6. Enhancing Precision Agriculture Through Dual Weed Mapping: Delineating Inter and Intra-row Weed Populations for Optimized Crop Protection

In the field of precision agriculture, effective management of weed populations is essential for optimizing crop yield and health. This paper presents an innovative approach to weed management by employing dual weed mapping techniques that differentiate between inter-row and intra-row weed populations. Utilizing advanced imaging and data analysis of CropEye images collected by the Robotti robot from AgroIntelli (AgroIntelli A/S, Aarhus, Denmark), we have developed methods to generate distinct... R.N. Jørgensen, S. Skovsen, O. Green, C.G. Sørensen

7. Response of Canola and Wheat to Application of Enhanced Efficiency Nitrogen Fertilizers on Contrasting Management Zones

Investment on nitrogen (N) fertilizers is a major cost of growers, and variable rate (VR) application of N fertilizers could help optimize its usage. In the growing season of 2023, field experiments were conducted at four sites (i.e., Watrous – Saskatchewan SK and two fields in the vicinity of Strathmore, Alberta AB, Canada). The main objectives were to (i) determine performance of Enhanced Efficiency N Fertilizers - EENF (i.e., Coated urea, urea with double inhibitors - DI, urea mixed with... H. Asgedom, G. Hehar, C. Willness, W. Anderson, H. Duddu, P. Mooleki, J. Schoenau, M. Khakbazan, R. Lemke, E. derdall, J. Shang, K. Liu, J. Sulik, E. Karppinen, I. Mbakwe