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He, Z
Hunt, L
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He, Z
Manoj, K
Zhang, Q
Kshetri, S
Hunt, L
Everett, M
Shovic, J
Big Data, Data Mining and Deep Learning
Wireless Sensor Networks and Farm Connectivity
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Real-time Detection of Picking Region of Ridge Planted Strawberries Based on YOLOv5s with a Modified Neck

Robotic strawberry harvesting requires machine vision system to have the ability to detect the presence, maturity, and location of strawberries. Strawberries, however, can easily be bruised, injured, and even damaged during robotic harvest if not picked properly because of their soft surfaces. Therefore, it is important to cut or pick the strawberry stems instead of picking the fruit directly. Additionally, real-time detection is critical for robotic strawberry harvesting to adapt to the changing... Z. He, K. Manoj, Q. Zhang, S. Kshetri

2. Recovery Mechanism for Real-time Precision Agriculture Sensor Networks: a Case Study

Variable rate technologies are lagging behind other precision agriculture technologies in terms of farmer adoption, and sensor networks have been identified as a necessary step to implement these improvements. However, sensor networks face many issues in terms of cost, flexibility, and reliability. In rugged outdoor environments, it cannot be assumed that a sensor network will maintain constant connectivity to a monitoring interface, even if data is still being collected onsite. This paper presents... L. Hunt, M. Everett, J. Shovic