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Figueiredo, D
Zhang, Y
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Dallago, G.M
Figueiredo, D
Santos, R
Andrade, P
Santos, D
Dallago, G.M
Figueiredo, D
Santos, R
Santos, D
Guimarães, L
Santos, C
Castro, T
Santos, A
Otoni, L
Andrade, J
Dallago, G.M
Figueiredo, D
Santos, R
Santos, D
Barroso, L
Alves, G
Vieira, J
Guimarães, L
Santos , C
Maciel, L
Dallago, G.M
Figueiredo, D
Santos, R
Andrade, P
Santschi, D.E
Lacroix, R
Lefebvre, D.M
Barai, K
Ewanik, C
Dhiman, V
Zhang, Y
Hodeghatta, U.R
Precision Dairy and Livestock Management
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soils and Crops (including Phenotyping)
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Filter results5 paper(s) found.

1. Exploring Relationships Between Dairy Herd Improvement Metrics in Minas Gerais – Brazil Dairy Herds

The objective of the present study was to apply principal component analysis (PCA) on Brazilian Dairy Herd Improvement (DHI) data to discover the subset of most meaningful variables to describe complete lactations. The Holstein Livestock Breeders Association of Minas Gerais provided data collected between 2005 and 2016 from 122 dairy farms located in the State of Minas Gerais – Brazil. Twelve numerical variables were selected from the original dataset and four additional variables were created.... G.M. Dallago, D. Figueiredo, R. Santos, P. Andrade, D. Santos

2. Time Series Analysis of Somatic Cell Count from Dairy Herds in Minas Gerais - Brazil

The objective of this study was to analyze the temporal variation of somatic cell count (SCC) in milk of dairy cows from the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The Holstein Livestock Breeders Association of Minas Gerais provided data collected from 128 dairy farms located in the state of Minas Gerais between the years of 2000 and 2016. The database contains the SCC average of a total of 91,851 305-day lactations of Holstein animals. The annual SCC average was calculated as well as the percentage of... G.M. Dallago, D. Figueiredo, R. Santos, D. Santos, L. Guimarães, C. Santos, T. Castro, A. Santos, L. Otoni, J. Andrade

3. The Influence of Calf’s Sex on Total Milk Yield and Its Constituents of Dairy Cows

The objective of the present work was to evaluate the influence of the sex of the calf on total milk yield and its constituents of Holstein-Friesian dairy cows. The Holstein Livestock Breeders Association of Minas Gerais provided data collected over the years from 2000 to 2016 from 127 dairy farms located in the state of Minas Gerais – Brazil. The data set analyzed contained 61747 observations of Holstein-Friesian animals that calved female (n = 28903) or male (n = 32844) calf. Fat, protein,... G.M. Dallago, D. Figueiredo, R. Santos, D. Santos, L. Barroso, G. Alves, J. Vieira, L. Guimarães, C. Santos , L. Maciel

4. Relationships Between First Test Day Metrics of First Lactation Cows to Evaluate Transition Period

The objective of this study was to apply principal component analysis (PCA) and multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) on Dairy Herd Improvement (DHI) data of animals on their first lactation to discover the most meaningful set of variables that describe the outcome on the first test day. Data collected over 4 years were obtained from 13 dairy herds located in Québec – Canada. The data set was filtered to contain only information from first test day of animals on their first lactation,... G.M. Dallago, D. Figueiredo, R. Santos, P. Andrade, D.E. Santschi, R. Lacroix, D.M. Lefebvre

5. Airborne Spectral Detection of Leaf Chlorophyll Concentration in Wild Blueberries

Leaf chlorophyll concentration (LCC) detection is crucial for monitoring crop physiological status, assessing the overall health of crops, and estimating their photosynthetic potential. Fast, non-destructive, and spatially extensive monitoring of LCC in crops is critical for accurately diagnosing and assessing crop health in large commercial fields. Advancements in hyperspectral remote sensing offer non-destructive and spatially extensive alternatives for monitoring plant parameters such as LCC.... K. Barai, C. Ewanik, V. Dhiman, Y. Zhang, U.R. Hodeghatta