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Hawks, A
Udompetaikul, V
Hernandez, C
Hillyer, C.C
Hijmans, R.J
Hagan, B.A
Hinze, J
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Dhillon, R
Udompetaikul, V
Rojo, F
Upadhyaya, S
Slaughter, D
Lampinen, B
Shackel, K
Amakor, X
Jacobson, A.R
Cardon, G.E
Hawks, A
Barnes, W
Udompetaikul, V
Upadhyaya, S
Lampinen, B
Slaughter, D
Hagan, B.A
Cue, R.I
Hannah, L
Roehrdanz, P
Donatti, C
Fraser, E
Berg, A
Saenz, L
Wright, T.M
Hijmans, R.J
Mulligan, M
Prestholt, A
Hernandez, C
Ciampitti , I
Kyveryga, P
Ferreyra, R
Hillyer, C.C
Fuller, H.D
Craker, B
Watanabe, K
Eberz-Eder, D
Wölbert, E
Hinze, J
Weiß, C
Hernandez, C
Kyveryga, P
Correndo, A
Prestholt, A
Ciampitti, I
van Versendaal, E
Hernandez, C
Kyveryga, P
Ciampitti, I
Magalhaes Cisdeli, P
Nocera Santiago, G.N
Ciampitti, I
Hernandez, C
Lucero, M.F
Zajdband, A
Hernandez, C
Ciampitti, I
Hernandez, C
Correndo, A
Lacasa, J
Magalhaes Cisdeli, P
Nocera Santiago, G.N
Ciampitti, I
Cano, P.B
Gomez, F
Hernandez, C
Gimenez, V
Ciampitti, I
Proximal Sensing in Precision Agriculture
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Sensor Application in Managing In-season Crop Variability
Precision Dairy and Livestock Management
Geospatial Data
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
Data Analytics for Production Ag
Education of Precision Agriculture Topics and Practices
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Agriculture
Weather and Models for Precision Agriculture
Geospatial Data
Decision Support Systems
Country Representative Report
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Filter results14 paper(s) found.

1. Apparent Electrical Conductivity Calibration In Semiarid Soils: Ion-pair Correction

The electromagnetic induction sensor (EM38DD) is a field proven portable sensor for rapid measurement of the apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) of soils. Calibration with the electrical conductivity of saturation paste extracts is the most widely used method to correlate ECa with the effective electrical conductivity (ECe). A drawback of this method is the formation of ion pairs in the high ionic strength saturated paste extracts, which effectively decreases the measured ECe, leading to the... X. Amakor, A.R. Jacobson, G.E. Cardon, A. Hawks, W. Barnes

2. Development Of A Sensor Suite To Determine Plant Water Potential

The goal of this research was to develop a mobile sensor suite to determine plant water status in almonds and walnuts. The sensor suite consisted of an infrared thermometer to measure leaf temperature and additional sensors to measure relevant ambient conditions such as light intensity, air temperature, air humidity, and wind speed. In the Summer of 2009, the system was used to study the relationship between leaf temperature, plant water status, and relevant microclimatic information in an almond... V. Udompetaikul, S. Upadhyaya, B. Lampinen, D. Slaughter

3. Evaluation of the Sensor Suite for Detection of Plant Water Stress in Orchard and Vineyard Crops

A mobile sensor suite was developed and evaluated to predict plant water status by measuring the leaf temperature of nut trees and grapevines. It consists of an infrared thermometer to measure leaf temperature along with relevant ambient condition sensors to measure microclimatic variables in the vicinity of the leaf. Sensor suite was successfully evaluated in three crops (almonds, walnuts and grapevines) for both sunlit and shaded leaves. Stepwise linear regression models developed for shaded... R. Dhillon, V. Udompetaikul, F. Rojo, S. Upadhyaya, D. Slaughter, B. lampinen, K. Shackel

4. A Tool for Monitoring Genetic Selection Differentials in Dairy Herds in Canada

A software tool was developed to allow a dairy producer and/or agricultural advisor to monitor the genetic selection differentials (GSD) that a dairy farm is making. The objectives of this study were (i) to monitor GSD in individual farms, over years, so that producers can be advised as to whether or not they are achieving their selection objectives (and hence optimizing productivity and profitability); (ii) the development of a prototype software tool and visualization model to assist producers... B.A. Hagan, R.I. Cue

5. Using Geospatial Data to Assess How Climate Change May Affect Land Suitability for Agriculture Production

Finding solutions to the challenge of sustainably feeding the world’s growing population is a pressing research need that cuts across many disciplines including using geospatial data. One possible area could be developing agricultural frontiers. Frontiers are defined as land that is currently not cultivated but that may become suitable for agriculture under climate change. Climate change may drive large-scale geographic shifts in agriculture, including expansion in cultivation at the thermal... K. Kc, L. Hannah, P. Roehrdanz, C. Donatti, E. Fraser, A. Berg, L. Saenz, T.M. Wright, R.J. Hijmans, M. Mulligan

6. Analytical and Technological Advancements for Soybean Quality Mapping and Economic Differentiation

In the past, measuring soybean protein and oil content required the collection of soybean seed samples and laboratory analyses. Modern on-the-go near-infrared (NIR) sensing technologies during the harvest and proximal remote sensing (aerial and satellite imagery) before harvest time can be used to provide an early estimate of seed quality levels, benchmark in-season predictions with at-harvest final seed quality and enable seed differentiation for farmers leading to better marketing strategies. Recent... A. Prestholt, C. Hernandez, I. Ciampitti , P. Kyveryga

7. Interoperability As an Enabler for Principled Decision-making in Irrigation: the Precision Agriculture Irrigation Language (PAIL)

Fresh water is a scarce resource, and agriculture consumes a high fraction of it worldwide. As climate change increases the likelihood of high temperatures and droughts, irrigation becomes an increasingly attractive option for managing crop production risks. Unfortunately, and despite decades of efforts by professional associations to promote the use of a principled, data-driven approach to irrigation scheduling often called scientific irrigation scheduling (SIS), the fraction of farmers... R. Ferreyra, C.C. Hillyer, H.D. Fuller, B. Craker, K. Watanabe

8. Using the Open Data Farm As a Digital Twin of a Farm in an Innovative School Setting to Increase Data Literacy and Awareness

In recent years, the number of digital applications and data streams has steadily increased, but knowledge and expertise in dealing with them has not increased to the same extent. The Open Data Farm is intended to make a significant contribution to education and training in order to increase data literacy in agriculture. The Open Data Farm (ODF) represents a twin of a real agricultural business as a 3D model in which existing data streams in various branches of the business are visualised.... D. Eberz-eder, E. Wölbert, J. Hinze, C. Weiß

9. Spatial Predictive Modeling to Quantify Soybean Seed Quality Using Remote Sensing and Machine Learning

In recent years, the advancement of artificial intelligence technologies combined with satellite technology is revolutionized agriculture through the development of algorithms that help producers become more sustainable. This could improve the conditions of farmers not only by maximizing their production and minimizing environmental impact but also due to better economic benefits by allowing them to access high-value-added markets. Furthermore, the use of predictive tools that could improve the... C. Hernandez, P. Kyveryga, A. Correndo, A. Prestholt, I. Ciampitti

10. Spatio-temporal Variability of Intra-field Productivity Using Remote Sensing

Understanding the spatiotemporal variability in intra-farm productivity is crucial for management in making agronomic decisions. Furthermore, these decision-making processes can be enhanced using spatial data science and remote sensing. This study aims to develop a framework to asses the spatio-temporal variability of intra-farm productivity through historical satellite data and climate data. Historical satellite data and rainfall information from diverse fields across the United States (2016-2022)... E. Van versendaal, C. Hernandez, P. Kyveryga, I. Ciampitti

11. A Digital Interactive Decision Dashboard to Analyze, Store and Share Year-to-year Crop Genotype Yield

The lag time between data collection and sharing is a critical bottleneck in order to make impactful decision at farmer field-scale. Following this line, there is a need for developing a digital interactive decision dashboard for sharing results of crop trials, in parallel to establish a database for storing data. These crop trials, invaluable for farmers seeking to determine the optimal genotype for their crops, are at risk of becoming obsolete due to the current format and the lack of more near... P. Magalhaes cisdeli, G.N. Nocera santiago, I. Ciampitti, C. Hernandez

12. Using Remote Sensing to Quantify Biomass in Alfalfa

Satellite images are a useful decision support tool to optimize management practices at on-farm scale. Based on this, the development of predictive tools to estimate pasture biomass can be a promising framework to determine the best cutting time, maximizing biomass without compromising yield parameters. Therefore, the main objective of this study was to develop a regression model that allows estimating a value of biomass to give as a recommendation to farmers. To collaborate in their decision... M.F. Lucero, A. Zajdband, C. Hernandez, I. Ciampitti, A. Carcedo

13. From Scientific Literature to the End User: Democratizing Access to Data Products Through Interactive Applications

In recent years, the sustained advance in the creation of powerful programming libraries is allowing not only the creation of complex models with predictive capabilities but also revolutionizing visualization processes and the deployment of interactive applications. Some of these tools, such as Streamlit or Shiny frameworks in languages such as Python or R, allow us to create from simple applications with friendly interfaces to complex tools. These interactive digital decision dashboards allow... C. Hernandez, A. Correndo, J. Lacasa, P. Magalhaes cisdeli, G.N. Nocera santiago, I. Ciampitti

14. Trends in Agricultural Technology Advancements: Insights from US Patent Analysis

Meeting the demand for food, fiber, and fuel production while addressing environmental concerns and enhancing societal benefits underscores the need to transition to conservation approaches and sustainable intensification pathways in current agricultural cropping systems. Technological advances in agriculture offer promising opportunities to facilitate this transition. Following this rationale, this study aims to analyze prevailing trends in agricultural technology advancements. Active patents... P.B. Cano, A. Carcedo, F. Gomez, C. Hernandez, V. Gimenez, I. Ciampitti