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Yao, Y
Holland, K.H
Upadhyaya, P
HIguti, V.A
Huang, H
Hansen, N
Hoffmann Silva Karp, F
He, Y
Hughes, E.W
Yadav, P.K
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Yao, Y
Miao, Y
Huang, S
Gnyp, M.L
Khosla, R
Jiang, R
Bareth, G
Yao, Y
Miao, Y
Huang, S
Gnyp, M.L
Jiang, R
Chen, X
Bareth, G
Holland, K.H
Schepers, J.S
Schepers, J
Holland, K.H
Huang, L
Jin, H
He, Y
Liu, F
Zhou, Y
Chen, N
Liu, F
Jiang, L
Feng, L
He, Y
Bao, Y
Liu, F
He, Y
Zhang, Y
Tan, L
Zhang, Y
Jiang, L
Zhao, Y
Xu, X
Shao, Y
He, Y
Li, Q
Schepers, J.S
Holland, K.H
Holland, K.H
Lamb, D.W
Sclemmer, M.R
Holland, K.H
Huang, S
Miao, Y
Yuan, F
Gnyp, M.L
Yao, Y
Cao, Q
Lenz-Wiedemann, V
Bareth, G
Becker, M
Velasquez, A.E
Guerrero, H.B
HIguti, V.A
Milori, D.M
Magalhães, D.V
Hoffmann Silva Karp, F
Feritas Colaço, A
Gonçalves Trevisan, R
Molin, J.P
Hughes, E.W
Pethybridge, S.J
Salvaggio, C
van Aardt, J
Kikkert, J.R
Chen, Y
He, Y
Saifuzzaman, M
Adamchuk, V.I
Huang, H
Ji, W
Rabe, N
Biswas, A
Huang, H
Adamchuk, V
Biswas, A
Ji, W
Lauzon, S
Hoffmann Silva Karp, F
Adamchuk, V
Melnitchouck, A
Dutilleul, P
Turner, I
Kerry, R
Jensen, R
Woolley, E
Hansen, N
Hopkins, B
Upadhyaya, P
Karkee, M
Zhang, X
Kashetri, S
Kerry, R
Shumate, S
Ingram, B
Hammond, K
Gunther, D
Jensen, R
Schill, S
Hansen, N
Hopkins, B
Barbosa, M
Duron, D
Rontani, F
Bortolon, G
Moreira, B
Oliveira, L
Setiyono, T
Shiratsuchi, L
Silva, R.P
Holland, K.H
Kemeshi, J.O
Chang, Y
Yadav, P.K
Alahe, M
Frederick, Q
Burks, T
Yadav, P.K
Dewdney, M
Qin, J
Kim, M
Hoffmann Silva Karp, F
Adamchuk, V
Dutilleul, P
Melnitchouck, A
Biswas, A
Sensor Application in Managing In-season Crop Variability
Sensor Application in Managing In-season Crop Variability
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Food Security and Precision Agriculture
Precision Crop Protection
Proximal Sensing in Precision Agriculture
Engineering Technologies and Advances
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Engineering Technologies and Advances
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems
Big Data, Data Mining and Deep Learning
Geospatial Data
Geospatial Data
Drainage Optimization and Variable Rate Irrigation
Big Data, Data Mining and Deep Learning
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Agriculture
Drivers and Barriers to Adoption of Precision Ag Technologies or Digital Agriculture
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soils and Crops (including Phenotyping)
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Filter results26 paper(s) found.

1. Developing An Active Crop Sensor-based In-season Nitrogen Management Strategy For Rice In Northeast China

  Crop sensor-based in-season N management strategies have been successfully developed and evaluated for winter wheat around the world, but little has been reported for rice. The objective of this study was to develop an active crop sensor-based in-season N management strategy for upland rice in Northeast... Y. Yao, Y. Miao, S. Huang, M.L. Gnyp, R. Jiang, X. Chen, G. Bareth

2. Real-time Calibration Of Active Crop Sensor System For Making In-season N Applications

... K.H. Holland, J.S. Schepers

3. Active Sensor For Real-time Determination Of Soil Organic Matter

  Soil organic matter influences chemical and physical properties in the root zone as well as soil biological activity and plant vigor. As such, it is reasonable to assume that there are probably opportunities for producers to incorporate soil organic matter concentration information into their management decisions. However, soil organic matter is usually notoriously variable within fields. An active sensor based on in-soil reflectance was developed to provide apparent real-time... J. Schepers, K.H. Holland

4. In-season Diagnosis of Rice Nitrogen Status Using an Active Canopy Sensor

... Y. Yao, Y. Miao, S. Huang, M. Gnyp, R. Khosla, R. Jiang, G. Bareth

5. Application Of Hyperspectral Imaging For Rapid And Non-Invasive Quantification Of Quality Of Mulberry Fruit

This study investigated the potential of using hyperspectral imaging working in visible and short-wave near infrared region (380-1030 nm) for rapid and non-invasive determination of the total flavonoid in mulberry fruit. Mulberry fruit with its sweet flavor is widely used in jam, pies, tarts, wines, and liquor, and is a delicacy among humans and birds alike. The quality evaluation of mulberry is usually determined by chemical or sensory analysis. However these methods are not capable... L. Huang, H. Jin, Y. He, F. Liu, Y. Zhou

6. Diagnosis Of Sclerotinia Infected Oilseed Rape (Brassica Napus L) Using Hyperspectral Imaging And Chemomtrics

 Abstract: Brassica napus L leaf diseases could cause seriously reduction in crop yield and quality. Early diagnosis of Brassica napus L leaf diseases plays a vital role in Brassica napus L growth. To explore an effective methodology for diagnosis of Sclerotinia infected Brassica napus L plants, healthy Brassica napus L leaves and Brassica napus L leaves infected by Sclerotinia were prepared in a controlled circumstance. A visible/short-wave near infrared hyperspectral... N. Chen, F. Liu, L. Jiang, L. Feng, Y. He, Y. Bao

7. 3-Dimension Reconstruction Of Cactus Using Multispectral Images

Using 3D reconstruction result to investigate plant morphology has been a focus of virtual plant. And multispectral imaging has proved to carried biological infor­mation in quite a lot work. This paper present a idea to investigate chlorophyll spatial variability of cactus using a bunch of multispectral images. 46 multispectral images are taken at equally distributed angles surrounding the tree and have over 80% overlap. Structure from motion approach has been used... F. Liu, Y. He, Y. Zhang, L. Tan, Y. Zhang, L. Jiang

8. A Novel Hyperspectral Feature Extraction Algorithm Based On Waveform Resolving For Raisin Classification

Near infrared hyperspectral imaging technology was adopted in the paper to determine the variety of raisins produced in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China. There are 2 varieties of raisins taking part in the research and the wavelengths of the hyperspectral images are from 900nm to 1700nm. A novel waveform resolving method was proposed in the paper to reduce the hyperspectral data and extract features. The waveform resolving method compresses the original hyperspectral data for one pixel... Y. Zhao, X. Xu, Y. Shao, Y. He, Q. Li

9. Hand-Held Sensor For Measuring Crop Reflectance And Assessing Crop Biophysical Characteristics

Crop vigor is difficult enough to define, let alone characterize and conveniently quantify. The human eye is particularly sensitive to green light, but quantifying subtle differences in plant greenness is subjective and therefore problematic in terms of making definitive management decisions. Plant greenness is one component of crop vigor and leaf area index or the relative ability of... J.S. Schepers, K.H. Holland

10. Airborne Active Optical Sensors (AOS) For Photosynthetically-Active Biomass Sensing: Current Status And Future Opportunities

The first published deployment of an active optical reflectance sensor (AOS) in a low-flying aircraft in 2009 catalyzed numerous developments in both sensor development and sensor platform integration. Integral to these sensors is a modulated light source composed of high power LED technology that emits high radiance polychromatic light. The sensor easily mounts to agricultural aircraft and can sense agricultural landscapes at altitudes from a few meters to altitudes exceeding 40 meters while... K.H. Holland, D.W. Lamb

11. Rapid Data Acquisition For In-Field Plant Phenomics

High throughput sensing is necessary for the rapid acquisition of plant canopy physical and physiological parameters on field scales. Simultaneous measures of these descriptive parameters will provide a clearer picture of plant response to biotic and abiotic stressors. Information obtained can assist in early identification of desired genetic traits and the degree to which they are expressed. Identifying these traits and their expression can provide higher efficiency in genetic selection... M.R. Sclemmer, K.H. Holland

12. Potential Improvement in Rice Nitrogen Status Monitoring Using Rapideye and Worldview-2 Satellite Remote Sensing

For in-season site-specific nitrogen (N) management of rice to be successful, it is crucially important to diagnose rice N status efficiently across large area in a timely fashion. Satellite remote sensing provides a promising technology for crop growth monitoring and precision management over large areas. The FORMOSAT-2 satellite remote sensing imageries with 4 wavebands have been used to estimate rice N status. The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential of using high spatial resolution... S. Huang, Y. Miao, F. Yuan, M.L. Gnyp, Y. Yao, Q. Cao, V. Lenz-wiedemann, G. Bareth

13. Helvis - a Small-scale Agricultural Mobile Robot Prototype for Precision Agriculture

The use of agricultural robots is emerging in a complex scenario where it is necessary to produce more food to feed a crescent population, decrease production costs, fight plagues and diseases, and preserve nature. Around the world, there are many research institutes and companies trying to apply mobile robotics techniques in agricultural fields. Mostly, large prototypes are being used and their shapes and dimensions are very similar to tractors and trucks. In the present study, a small-scale... M. Becker, A.E. Velasquez, H.B. Guerrero, V.A. Higuti, D.M. Milori, D.V. Magalhães

14. Canopy Parameters in Coffee Orchards Obtained by a Mobile Terrestrial Laser Scanner

The application of mobile terrestrial laser scanner (MTLS) has been studied for different tree crops such as citrus, apple, olive, pears and others. Such sensing system is capable of accurately estimating relevant canopy parameters such as volume and can be used for site-specific applications and for high throughput plant phenotyping. Coffee is an important tree crop for Brazil and could benefit from MTLS applications. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to define a field protocol for... F. Hoffmann silva karp, A. Feritas colaço, R. Gonçalves trevisan, J.P. Molin

15. Snap Bean Flowering Detection from UAS Imaging Spectroscopy

Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (white mold) is a fungus that infects the flowers of snap beans and causes a reduction in the number of pods, and subsequent yields, due to premature pod abscission. Snap bean fields typically are treated with prophylactic fungicide applications to control white mold, once 10% of the plants have at least one flower. The holistic goal of this research is to develop spatially-explicit white mold risk models, based on inputs from remote sensing systems aboard unmanned... E.W. Hughes, S.J. Pethybridge, C. Salvaggio, J. Van aardt, J.R. Kikkert

16. Rape Plant NDVI Spatial Distribution Model Based on 3D Reconstruction

Plants’ morphology changes in their growing process. The 3D reconstruction of plant is of great significance for studying the impacts of plant morphology on biomass estimation, illness and insect infestation, genetic expression, etc. At present, the 3D point cloud reconstructed through 3D reconstruction mainly includes the morphology, color and other features of the plant, but cannot reflect the change in spatial 3D distribution of organic matters caused by the nutritional status (e.g. chlorophyll... Y. Chen, Y. He

17. Data Clustering Tools for Understanding Spatial Heterogeneity in Crop Production by Integrating Proximal Soil Sensing and Remote Sensing Data

Remote sensing (RS) and proximal soil sensing (PSS) technologies offer an advanced array of methods for obtaining soil property information and determining soil variability for precision agriculture. A large amount of data collected using these sensors may provide essential information for precision or site-specific management in a production field. In this paper, we introduced a new clustering technique was introduced and compared with existing clustering tools for determining relatively homogeneous... M. Saifuzzaman, V.I. Adamchuk, H. Huang, W. Ji, N. Rabe, A. Biswas

18. Analysis of Soil Properties Predictability Using Different On-the-Go Soil Mapping Systems

Understanding the spatial variability of soil chemical and physical attributes allows for the optimization of the profitability of nutrient and water management for crop development. Considering the advantages and accessibility of various types of multi-sensor platforms capable of acquiring large sensing data pertaining to soil information across a landscape, this study compares data obtained using four common soil mapping systems: 1) topography obtained using a real-time kinematic (RTK) global... H. Huang, V. Adamchuk, A. Biswas, W. Ji, S. Lauzon

19. Optimization of Batch Processing of High-density Anisotropic Distributed Proximal Soil Sensing Data for Precision Agriculture Purposes

The amount of spatial data collected in agricultural fields has been increasing over the last decade. Advances in computer processing capacity have resulted in data analytics and artificial intelligence becoming hot topics in agriculture. Nevertheless, the proper processing of spatial data is often neglected, and the evaluation of methods that efficiently process agricultural spatial data remains limited. Yield monitor data is a good example of a well-established methodology for data processing... F. Hoffmann silva karp, V. Adamchuk, A. Melnitchouck, P. Dutilleul

20. Investigation of Automated Analysis of Snowmelt from Time-series Sentinel 2 Imagery to Inform Spatial Patterns of Spring Soil Moisture in the American Mountain West

Variable rate irrigation of crops is a promising approach for saving water whilst maintaining crop yields in the semi-arid American Mountain West – much of which is currently experiencing a mega drought. The first step in determining irrigation zones involves characterizing the patterns of spatial variation in soil moisture and determining if these are relatively stable temporally in relation to topographic features and soil texture. Characterizing variable rate irrigation zones is usually... I. Turner, R. Kerry, R. Jensen, E. Woolley, N. Hansen, B. Hopkins

21. Automated Lag Phase Detection in Wine Grapes

Crop yield estimation, an important managerial tool for vineyard managers, plays a crucial role in planning pre/post-harvest operations to achieve desired yield and improve efficiency of various field operations. Although various technological approaches have been developed in the past for automated yield estimation in wine grapes, challenges such as cost and complexity of the technology, need of higher technical expertise for their operation and insufficient accuracy have caused major concerns... P. Upadhyaya, M. Karkee, X. Zhang, S. Kashetri

22. Spatial Analysis of Soil Moisture and Turfgrass Health to Determine Zones for Spatially Variable Irrigation Management

The Western United States is currently experiencing a “Mega Drought”. This makes efficient water use more important than ever. Turfgrass is a major vegetation type in urban areas and performs many ecosystem services such as cooling through evapotranspiration, fixing carbon from the atmosphere and reducing wild-fire risk. There are now more acres of irrigated turfgrass (>40 million) in the USA than irrigated corn, wheat and fruit trees combined (Milesi et al., 2005). It has been... R. Kerry, S. Shumate, B. Ingram, K. Hammond, D. Gunther, R. Jensen, S. Schill, N. Hansen, B. Hopkins

23. Multi-sensor Remote Sensing: an AI-driven Framework for Predicting Sugarcane Feedstock

Predicting saccharine and bioenergy feedstocks in sugarcane enables stakeholders to determine the precise time and location for harvesting a better product in the field. Consequently, it can streamline workflows while enhancing the cost-effectiveness of full-scale production. On one hand, Brix, Purity, and total reducing sugars (TRS) can provide meaningful and reliable indicators of high-quality raw materials for industrial food and fuel processing. On the other hand, Cellulose, Hemicellulose,... M. Barbosa, D. Duron, F. Rontani, G. Bortolon, B. Moreira, L. Oliveira, T. Setiyono, L. Shiratsuchi, R.P. Silva, K.H. Holland

24. Comparing Global Shutter and Rolling Shutter Cameras for Image Data Collection in Motion on a UGV

In a bid to drive the adoption of precision farming (PF) technology by reducing the cost of developing an Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGV), during the Reduction-To-Below-Two grand (R2B2) project we compared Arducam’s AR0234, a global shutter camera (GSC) to their IMX462, a rolling shutter camera (RSC). Since the cost of the AR0234 is approximately three times the price of the IMX462, the comparison was done to determine the possibility of using the latter for image data collection in place... J.O. Kemeshi, Y. Chang, P.K. Yadav, M. Alahe

25. Supervised Hyperspectral Band Selection Using Texture Features for Classification of Citrus Leaf Diseases with YOLOv8

Citrus greening disease (HLB), a disease caused by bacteria of the Candidatus Liberibacter group, is characterized by blotchy leaves and smaller fruits. Causing both premature fruit drop and eventual tree death, HLB is a novel and significant threat to the Florida citrus industry.  Citrus canker is another serious disease caused by the bacterium Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri (syn. X. axonopodis pv. citri) and causes economic losses for growers from fruit drops and blemishes. Citrus canker... Q. Frederick, T. Burks, P.K. Yadav, M. Dewdney, J. Qin, M. Kim

26. Predicting Soil Chemical Properties Using Proximal Soil Sensing Technologies and Topography Data: a Case Study

Using proximal soil sensors (PSS) is widely recognized as a strategy to improve the quality of agricultural soil maps. Nevertheless, the signals captured by PSS are complex and usually relate to a combination of processes in the soil. Consequently, there is a need to explore further the interactions at the source of the information provided by PSS. The objectives of this study were to examine the relationship between proximal sensing techniques and soil properties and evaluate the feasibility... F. Hoffmann silva karp, V. Adamchuk, P. Dutilleul, A. Melnitchouck, A. Biswas