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Finegan, M
Wallace, D
Hennessy, P.J
Esau, T.J
Schumann, A.W
Farooque, A.A
Zaman, Q.U
White, S.N
Thompson, L
Puntel, L
Archontoulis, S
Cesario Pereira Pinto, J
Thompson, L
Mueller, N
Mieno, T
Balboa, G
Puntel, L
Puntel, L
Thompson , L
Mieno, T
Norquest, S
Thompson, L
Archontoulis, S
Grassini, P
Puntel, L
Mieno, T
Cesario Pinto, J
Thompson, L
Mueller, N
Mieno, T
Puntel, L
Paccioretti, P
Balboa, G
Balboa, G
Puntel, L
Thompson, L
Paccioretti, P
Norquest, S
Puntel, L
Balboa, G
Thompson, L
Dalla Betta, M.M
Puntel, L
Thompson, L
Mieno, T
Luck, J.D
Cafaro La Menza, N
Paccioretti, P
Bari, M.A
Bakshi, A
Witt, T
Caragea, D
Jagadish, K
Felderhoff, T
Pramanik, S
Choton, J
Puntel, L
Thompson, L
Balboa, G
Mieno, T
Paccioretti, P
Srinivasagan, S
Ketterings, Q
Marcaida, M
Shajahan, S
Ramos-Tanchez, J
Cho, J
Thompson, L
Guinness, J
Goel, R
Precision Crop Protection
Engineering Technologies and Advances
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Engineering Technologies and Advances
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Modeling and Geo-statistics
Precision Horticulture
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Engineering Technologies and Advances
Standards & Data Stewardship
Education and Outreach in Precision Agriculture
In-Season Nitrogen Management
Big Data, Data Mining and Deep Learning
Decision Support Systems
In-Season Nitrogen Management
Digital Agriculture Solutions for Soil Health and Water Quality
On Farm Experimentation with Site-Specific Technologies
Drivers and Barriers to Adoption of Precision Ag Technologies or Digital Agriculture
Site-Specific Nutrient, Lime and Seed Management
Big Data, Data Mining and Deep Learning
In-Season Nitrogen Management
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Filter results27 paper(s) found.

1. Study On Application Of Wireless Sensor Networks For Precision Agriculture

  Abstract: The use of sensor network to achieve soil moisture real-time detection can provide the decision-making basis for precision agriculture. In this... G. Xu, L. Chen, R. Zhang, J. Guo, Y. Wang

2. Site-specific Management For Biomass Feedstock Production: Development Of Remote Sensing Data Acquisition Systems

Efficient biomass feedstock production supply chain spans from site-specific management of crops on field to the gate of biorefinery. Remote sensing data acquisition systems have been introduced for site-specific management, which is a part of the engineering solutions for biomass feedstock production. A stand alone tower remote sensing platform was developed to monitor energy crops using multispectral imagery. The sensing system was capable of collecting RGB and CIR images during the crop growing... T. Ahamed, L. Tian, Y. Zhang, Y. Xiong, B. Zhao, Y. Jiang, K. Ting

3. Application Of Algebra Hyper-curve Neural Network In Soil Nutrient Spatial Interpolation

Study on spatial variability of soil nutrient is the basis of soil nutrient management in precision agriculture. For study on application potential and characteristics of algebra hyper-curve neural network(AHNN) in delineating soil properties spatial variability and interpolation, total 956 soil samples were taken for alkaline hydrolytic nitrogen measurement from a 50 hectares field using 20m*20m grid sampling. The test data set consisted of 100 random samples extracting... L. Chen, C. Zhao, W. Huang, T. Chen, J. Wang

4. Inversion Of Vertical Distribution Of Chlorophyll Concentration By Canopy Reflectance Spectrum In Winter Wheat

          The objective of this study was to investigate the inversion of foliage chlorophyll concentration(Chl) vertical-layer distribution by bidirectional reflectance difference function (BRDF) data, so as to provide guidance on the application of fertilizer. The ratio of transformed chlorophyll absorption reflectance index (TCARI) to optimized soil adjusted vegetation index (OSAVI) was named as canopy chlorophyll inversion index (CCII) in... W. Huang, C. Zhao

5. Design And Experiment On Target Spraying Robot For Greenhouse

In greenhouse, the robot sprayers give rise to concern as they  reduce the labor intensity and improve the accuracy of  the spraying. This paper details the progress to date in the development of a precision robot sprayer. The precision robot sprayer is able to adjust both liquid and air volume to match, the branches contour and location of the greenhouse crops with two ultrasonic sensors  which ensures the position of the plants in the greenhouse. The spraying robot with the... W. Ma, C. Zhao, Q.U. Zaman, D. Zach

6. Comparison and Evaluation of Spray Characteristics of Three Types of Variable-Rate Spray

For the present developing direction of "low-input sustainable agriculture", variable-rate technology is increasingly concerned in agricultural engineering field. The technology of variable-rate precision chemical application is the typical of variable-rate technology. In China, agro-chemical production technology has reached the international advanced level, but the chemical application... C. Zhao, J. Zhou, W. Deng

7. Modeling and Decision Support System for Precision Cucumber Protection in Greenhouses

The plant disease... X. Yang, C. Sun, J. Qian, Z. Ji, S. Qiao, M. Chen, C. Zhao, M. Li

8. Study on Monitoring System of Wheat Sowing

       In order to real-time monitoring the sowing status of the multi-channel seeder, a distributed monitoring system is developed. The monitoring module of sowing and the monitoring terminal is designed with ... W. Fu, Z. Meng, G. Wu, J. Dong, H. Mei, C. Zhao

9. Winter Wheat Growth Uniformity Monitoring Through Remote Sensed Images

  ... X. Song, C. Zhao, L. Chen, W. Huang, B. Cui

10. Heavy Metal PB2+ Pollution Detection In Soil Using Terahertz Time-domain Spectroscopy For Precision Agriculture

Soil is an important natural resource for human beings. With the rapid development of modern industry, heavy metals pollution in soil has made prominent influences on farmland environment. It was reported that, one fifth of China's cultivated lands and more than 217,000 farms in the US have been polluted at different levels by heavy metals. The crop grows in the polluted soil and the heavy metal ions transfer from soil to the plant and agro-products. As a result, the crop yield... C. Zhao, B. Li

11. The Device of Air-assisted Side Deep Precision Fertilization for Rice Transplanter

Rice is the most important crop in China, which has the largest plant area. Fertilization is an important process of rice production, which directly affects the yield of crops, reasonable and effective use of chemical fertilizer can improve the yield of crops. At present, the mechanization level of rice fertilization is very low in China, and the artificial fertilization requires a large amount of fertilizer which caused the uneven distribution. The rice side deep fertilizing is an ideal way of... C. Zhao, G. Wu, Z. Meng, W. Fu, L. Li, X. Wei

12. Rationale for and Benefits of a Community for On-Farm Data Sharing

Most data sets for evaluating crop production practices have too few locations and years to create reliable probabilities from predictive analytical analyses for the success of the practices. Yield monitors on combines have the potential to enable networks of farmers in collaboration with scientists and farm advisors to collect sufficient data for calculation of more reliable guidelines for crop production showing the probabilities that new or existing practices will improve the efficiency of... T. Morris, N. Tremblay, P.M. Kyveryga, D.E. Clay, S. Murrell, I. Ciampitti, L. Thompson, D. Mueller, J. Seger

13. From Data to Decisions - Ag Technologies Provide New Opportunities and Challenges with On-Farm Research

U.S. farmers are challenged to increase crop production while achieving greater resource use efficiency.  The Nebraska On-Farm Research Network (NOFRN), enables farmers to answer critical production, profitability, and sustainability questions with their own fields and equipment. The NOFRN is sponsored by the University of Nebraska – Lincoln Extension and derives from two separate on-farm research efforts, the earliest originating in 1990.  Over the course of the last 29 years,... L. Thompson, K. Glewen, N. Mueller, J. Luck

14. Utilizing Weather, Soil, and Plant Condition for Predicting Corn Yield and Nitrogen Fertilizer Response

Improving corn (Zea mays L.) nitrogen (N) fertilizer rate recommendation tools should increase farmer’s profits and help mitigate N pollution. Weather and soil properties have repeatedly been shown to influence crop N need. The objective of this research was to improve publicly-available N recommendation tools by adjusting them with additional soil and weather information. Four N recommendation tools were evaluated across 49 N response trials conducted in eight U.S. states over three growing... N.R. Kitchen, M.A. Yost, C.J. Ransom, G. Bean, J. Camberato, P. Carter, R. Ferguson, F. Fernandez, D. Franzen, C. Laboski, E. Nafziger, J. Sawyer

15. Harness the Power of the Internet to Improve Yield

It’s rare to find a fertile farm or ranch that has complete cellular coverage across the entirety of its property. Because networking options like Wi-Fi are limited by restricted infrastructure in these areas, maintaining a reliable flow of connectivity is difficult. Yet, even if consistent cellular coverage is available, it’s frequently cost prohibitive for farm monitoring. Similarly, alternate wireless devices that require batteries aren’t practical because of high maintenance... M. Finegan, D. Wallace

16. Meta Deep Learning Using Minimal Training Images for Weed Classification in Wild Blueberry

Deep learning convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have gained popularity in recent years for their ability to classify images with high levels of accuracy. In agriculture, they have been applied for disease identification, crop growth monitoring, animal behaviour tracking, and weed classification. Datasets traditionally consisting of thousands of images of each desired target are required to train CNNs. A recent survey of Nova Scotia wild blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium Ait.) fields,... P.J. Hennessy, T.J. Esau, A.W. Schumann, A.A. Farooque, Q.U. Zaman, S.N. White

17. Evaluating APSIM Model for Site-Specific N Management in Nebraska

Many approaches have been developed to estimate the optimal N application rates and increase nitrogen use efficiency (NUE). In particular, in-season and variable-rate fertilizer applications have the potential to apply N during the time of rapid plant N uptake and at the rate needed, thereby reducing the potential for nitrogen fertilizer losses. However, there remains great challenges in determining the optimal N rate to apply in site-specific locations within a field in a given year. Additionally,... L. Thompson, L. Puntel, S. Archontoulis

18. Evaluation of Nitrogen Recommendation Tools for Winter Wheat in Nebraska

Attaining both high yield and high nitrogen (N) use efficiency (NUE) simultaneously remains a current research challenge in crop production. Digital ag technologies for site-specific N management have been demonstrated to improve NUE. This is due to the ability of digital technologies to account for the spatial and temporal distribution of crop N demand and available soil N in the field which varies greatly according to... J. Cesario pereira pinto, L. Thompson, N. Mueller, T. Mieno, G. Balboa, L. Puntel

19. Evaluation of Crop Model Based Tools for Corn Site-specific N Management in Nebraska

There is a critical need to reduce the nitrogen (N) footprint from corn-based cropping systems while maintaining or increasing yields and profits. Digital agriculture technologies for site-specific N management have been demonstrated to improve nitrogen use efficiency (NUE). However, adoption of these technologies remains low. Factors such as cost, complexity, unknown impact and large data inputs are associated with low adoption. Grower’s hands-on experience coupled with targeted research... L. Puntel, L. Thompson , T. Mieno, S. Norquest

20. Crop Modeling-based Framework to Explore Region-specific Impact of Nitrogen Fertilizer Management on Productivity and Environmental Footprint

To maintain current crop production while reducing negative environmental impacts, improved understanding of the relative impact of the 4Rs for nitrogen (N) management (rate, time, place, and source) for a given geo-agroecosystem are needed and can play a critical role in driving policy, recommendations, and local practices. However, the timeframe and cost required to assess and characterize the impact of N rate and timing over years and weather conditions through field experiments is prohibitive.... L. Thompson, S. Archontoulis, P. Grassini, L. Puntel, T. Mieno

21. Site-specific Evaluation of Sensor-based Winter Wheat Nitrogen Tools Via On-farm Research

Crop producers face the challenge of optimizing high yields and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) in their agricultural practices. Enhancing NUE has been demonstrated by adopting digital agricultural technologies for site-specific nitrogen (N) management, such as remote-sensing based N recommendations for winter wheat. However, winter wheat fields are often uniformly fertilized, disregarding the inherent variability within the fields. Thus, an on-farm evaluation of sensor-based N tools is needed to... J. Cesario pinto, L. Thompson, N. Mueller, T. Mieno, L. Puntel, P. Paccioretti, G. Balboa

22. Barriers and Adoption of Precision Ag Tehcnologies for Nitrogen Management Nebraska

A statewide survey of Nebraska farmers shows that they determine the N rate based on soil lab recommendations (82%),  intuition, traditional rate, and own experience (67%). The adoption of dynamic site-specific models (23%), and sensor-based algorithms (11%) remains low. The survey identified the main barriers to the adoption of these N management technologies.  ... G. Balboa, L. Puntel, L. Thompson, P. Paccioretti

23. Site Specific Evaluation of Dynamic Nitrogen Recommendation Tools

Management tools are a potential solution for increased profit and N use efficiency (NUE) in corn production. Most previous studies evaluating these tools used small plot research which does not accurately represent large scale performance and inhibits adoption. Two dynamic model-based N management tools, which were commercially available in 2021 and 2022 (Adapt-N and Granular), were tested at fifteen on-farm research locations in Nebraska. The objective of this study were to evaluate the site-specific... S. Norquest, L. Puntel, G. Balboa, L. Thompson

24. Determining Site-Specific Soybean Optimal Seeding Rate Using On-Farm Precision Experimentation

Ten on-farm precision experiments were conducted in Nebraska during 2018 – 2022 to address the following: i) determine the Economic Optimal Seeding Rates (EOSR), ii) identify the most important site-specific variables influencing the optimal seeding rates for soybeans. Seeding rates ranged from 200,000 to 440,000 seeds ha-1, and treatments were randomized and replicated in blocks across the entire field. The study was implemented using a variable rate prescription. Yield... M.M. Dalla betta, L. Puntel, L. Thompson, T. Mieno, J.D. Luck, N. Cafaro la menza, P. Paccioretti

25. Deep Learning to Estimate Sorghum Yield with Uncrewed Aerial System Imagery

In the face of growing demand for food, feed, and fuel, plant breeders are challenged to accelerate yield potential through quick and efficient cultivar development. Plant breeders often conduct large-scale trials in multiple locations and years to address these goals. Sorghum breeding, integral to these efforts, requires early, accurate, and scalable harvestable yield predictions, traditionally possible only after harvest, which is time-consuming and laborious. This research harnesses high-throughput... M.A. Bari, A. Bakshi, T. Witt, D. Caragea, K. Jagadish, T. Felderhoff

26. Effect of Terrain and Soil Properties on the Effectiveness of Crop-model Based Variable Rate Nitrogen in Corn

Growers may be reluctant to adopt variable rate nitrogen (VRN) management because of potential loss in profit and yield. This study assessed the influence of terrain attributes and soil characteristics on the effectiveness of crop-model-based variable rate nitrogen (N) for corn. To evaluate the effectiveness of the VRN methods, yield, total N rate, and N use efficiency (NUE) were compared with the grower’s management. As a crop-model-based recommendation tool, Adapt-N was used. Production... L. Puntel, L. Thompson, G. Balboa, T. Mieno, P. Paccioretti

27. Single-strip Spatial Evaluation Approach: a Simplified Method for Enhanced Sustainable Farm Management

On-farm experimentation (OFE) plays a pivotal role in evaluating and validating the effectiveness of agricultural practices and products. The results of OFE enable farmers to act and make changes that can enhance the farm’s economic and environmental sustainability. Experimental designs can be a barrier to the adoption of OFE. The conventional approach often involves randomized complete block designs with 3 to 5 replications in the field, which can be space-intensive and disrupt workflow... S. Srinivasagan, Q. Ketterings, M. Marcaida, S. Shajahan, J. Ramos-tanchez, J. Cho, , L. Thompson, J. Guinness, R. Goel