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Ritchie, G
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Karn, R
Adedeji, O
Ghimire, B.P
Abdalla, A
Sheng, V
Ritchie, G
Guo, W
Ghimire, B
Karn, R
Adedeji, O
Ritchie, G
Guo, W
Precision Agriculture and Global Food Security
Decision Support Systems
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Within Field Cotton Yield Prediction Using Temporal Satellite Imagery Combined with Deep Learning

Crop yield prediction at the field scale plays a pivotal role in enhancing agricultural management, a vital component in addressing global food security challenges. Regional or county-level data, while valuable for broader agricultural planning, often lacks the precision required by farmers for effective and timely field management. The primary obstacle in utilizing satellite imagery to forecast crop yields at the field level lies in its low temporal and spatial resolutions. This study aims to... R. Karn, O. Adedeji, B.P. Ghimire, A. Abdalla, V. Sheng, G. Ritchie, W. Guo

2. Simulating Climate Change Impacts on Cotton Yield in the Texas High Plains

Crop yield prediction enables stakeholders to plan farming practices and marketing. Crop models can predict crop yield based on cropping system and practices, soil, and other environmental factors. These models are being used for decision support in agriculture in a variety of ways. Cultivar selection, water and nutrient input optimization, planting date selection, climate change analysis and yield prediction are some of the promising area of applications of the models in field level farm management.... B. Ghimire, R. Karn, O. Adedeji, G. Ritchie, W. Guo