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Virk, S.S
Veum, K.S
Venkateswarlu, B
Vinod, S
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Srinivasa Rao, C
Rao, K
Magen, H
Venkateswarlu, B
Subba Rao, A
Fulton, J.P
Balkcom, K.S
Ortiz, B.V
McDonald, T.P
Pate, G.L
Virk, S.S
Poncet, A
Virk, S.S
Prostko, E.P
Ransom, C.J
Vong, C
Veum, K.S
Sudduth, K.A
Kitchen, N.R
Zhou, J
Vinod, S
Luck, J.D
Precision Nutrient Management
Engineering Technologies and Advances
Education and Outreach in Precision Agriculture
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
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Filter results5 paper(s) found.

1. Categorization of Districts Based on Nonexchangeable Potassium: Generation GIS Maps and Implications in Efficient K Fertility Management in Indian Agriculture

Recommendations of K fertilizer are made based on available (exchangeable + water soluble) K status only  in India and other despite of  substantial contribution of nonexchangeable fraction of soil K to crop K uptake. Present paper examines the information generated in the last 30 years on the status of nonexchangeable K in Indian soils, categorization of Indian soils based on exchangeable and nonexchangeable K fractions and making K recommendations. Data for both K fractions of different... C. Srinivasa rao, K. Rao, H. Magen, B. Venkateswarlu, A. Subba rao

2. Row-Crop Planter Requirements To Support Variable-Rate Seeding Of Maize

Current planting technology possesses the ability to increase crop productivity and improve field efficiency by precisely metering and placing crop seeds. Growing high yielding crops not only requires using the right seed variety and rate but also achieving optimal performance with available planter technology. Planter performance depends on using the correct planter and technology (display and rate controller system) setup which consists of determining optimal settings for different planting... J.P. Fulton, K.S. Balkcom, B.V. Ortiz, T.P. Mcdonald, G.L. Pate, S.S. Virk, A. Poncet

3. Survey of Pesticide Application Practices and Technologies in Georgia Agricultural Crops

Georgia is a leading producer of numerous crops including cotton, peanut, blueberries, pecans, bell peppers, cabbage, watermelons, and peaches in the United States. Pesticide applications are critical for the successful production of these crops. Pesticide regulations and application technologies are changing rapidly due to growing concerns around off-target movement and increased focus on improving the efficiency and efficacy of pesticide applications. In order to provide suitable recommendations and... S.S. Virk, E.P. Prostko

4. Estimating Soil Carbon Stocks with In-field Visible and Near-infrared Spectroscopy

Agricultural lands can be a sink for carbon and play an important role in offsetting carbon emissions. Current methods of measuring carbon sequestration—through repeated temporal soil samples—are costly and laborious. A promising alternative is using visible, near-infrared (VNIR) diffuse reflectance spectroscopy. However, VNIR data are complex, which requires several data processing steps and often yields inconsistent results, especially when using in situ VNIR measurements. Using... C.J. Ransom, C. Vong, K.S. Veum, K.A. Sudduth, N.R. Kitchen, J. Zhou

5. A Multi-level Filtering Approach for Yield Data Cleaning and Automated Analysis Using R Programming

In the realm of on-farm studies, a recurring challenge surfaces in the form of disparities between field implementation and experimental design within Rx treatment plots. This disjunction underscores the critical need for intensive data cleaning and analysis to generate precise outcomes for the experiments. Complicating matters is the absence of readily available ground truth data for comparative analyses, making it particularly challenging to ascertain the extent of necessary data cleaning and... S. Vinod, J.D. Luck