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Pawar, S.N
Pullanagari, R.R
Pidaparti, R
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Pawar, S.N
Gore, A.K
Shinde, G.U
Pendke, M.S
Yule, I.J
Pullanagari, R.R
Kereszturi, G
Irwin, M.E
McVeagh, P.J
Cushnahan, T
White, M
Pidaparti, R
Moghadham, A
Thippareddi, H
Emerging Issues in Precision Agriculture (Energy, Biofuels, Climate Change)
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Agriculture
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Filter results3 paper(s) found.

1. Climatological Diagnostic Analysis: A Case Study for Parbhani District in Marathwada Region of India

... S.N. Pawar, A.K. Gore, G.U. Shinde, M.S. Pendke

2. Hyperspectral Imaging to Measure Pasture Nutrient Concentration and Other Quality Parameters

Managing pasture nutrient requirements on large hill country sheep and beef properties based on information from soil sampling is expensive because of the time and labor involved. High levels of error are also expected as these properties are often greatly variable and it is therefore extremely difficult to sample intensively enough to capture this variation. Extensive sampling was also not considered viable as there was no effective means of spreading fertilizer with a variable rate capability... I.J. Yule, R.R. Pullanagari, G. Kereszturi, M.E. Irwin, P.J. Mcveagh, T. Cushnahan, M. White

3. Bird Welfare and Comfort in Poultry Coops Through Computations and AI

Bird welfare and comfort is very important inside poultry coops during transportation, especially during summer and winter months.  The microenvironment inside a poultry coop resulting from hot/cold temperatures, relative humidity and heat production leads to complex scenarios affecting the bird welfare. The enthalpy comfort index (ECI) that relates to temperature, relative humidity was calculated to evaluate the poultry coop welfare that corresponds to bird welfare conditions (comfort; warning;... R. Pidaparti, A. Moghadham, H. Thippareddi