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Suh, C
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Zhang, H
Lan, Y
Westbrook, J
Suh, C
Hoffmann, C
Lacey, R
Tomer, M
Isenhart, T.M
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Sharda, A
Luck, J.D
Fulton, J.P
Shearer, S.A
Shearer, S.A
Mullenix, D
Vanacht, M
Sharda, A
Luck, J.D
Fulton, J.P
Shearer, S.A
McDonald, T.P
Mullenix, D
Luck, J.D
Sharda, A
Pitla, S.K
Fulton, J.P
Shearer, S.A
Morris, E
Clarke, A
Sunley, S
Hill, C
Cranfield, G
Baffaut, C
Sudduth, K
Sadler, J
Kremer, R
Lerch, R
Kitchen, N
Veum, K
Karkee, M
Zhang, Q
Sharda, A
Ciampitti, I.A
Shroyer, K
Prasad, V
Sharda, A
Stamm, M.J
Wang, H
Price, K
Mangus, D
Mangus, D.L
Sharda, A
Maurer, J.L
Griffin, T.W
Sharda, A
Balboa, G
Varela, S
Ciampitti, I
Duncan, S
Maxwell, T
Shoups, D
Sharda, A
Bennett, J
Wilson, C
Sharda, A
Griffin, T.W
Yost, M.A
Kitchen, N
Sudduth, K
Drummond, S
Sadler, J
Sharda, A
Badua, S
Flippo, D
Ciampitti, I
Griffin, T.W
Skouby, D
Schumacher, L
Yost, M
Kitchen, N.R
Sharda, A
Badua, S
Ciampitti, I
Strasser, R
Griffin, T.W
Yang, C
Suh, C
Guo, W
Zhao, H
Zhang, J
Eyster, R
Sharda, A
Harsha Chepally, R
Peiretti, J
Sharda, A
Badua, S
Yang, C
Zhao, H
Guo, W
Zhang, J
Suh, C
Fritz, B.K
Singh, R
Sharda, A
Sharda, A
Harsha Chepally, R
Sharda, A
Dua, A
Schapaugh, W
Hessel, R
Abon, J.O
Sharda, A
Kaushal, S
Sharda, A
Aryal, B
Sharda, A
Peiretti, J
Pokharel, P
Sharda, A
Gadhwal, M
Aryal, B
Piya, N.K
Sharda, A
Persch, J.R
Flippo, D
Harsha Chepally, R
Piya, N.K
Sharda, A
Flippo, D
Peiretti, J
Gigena, B
BAdua, S
Sharda, A
Dua, A
Sharda, A
Schapaugh, W
Hessel, R
Rai, S
Shende, K
Sharda, A
Kaloya, T
Sharda, A
Dalal, A
Dua, S
Sharda, A
Rai, S
Sharda, A
Berretta, B.G
Sensor Application in Managing In-season Crop Variability
Precision Conservation
Engineering Technologies and Advances
Precision Weed Management
Precision Conservation Management
Precision Crop Protection
Applications of UAVs (unmanned aircraft vehicle systems) in precision agriculture
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Profitability, Sustainability and Adoption
Decision Support Systems in Precision Agriculture
Engineering Technologies and Advances
Precision Conservation Management
Agricultural Education
On Farm Experimentation with Site-Specific Technologies
Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems
Robotics, Guidance and Automation
On Farm Experimentation with Site-Specific Technologies
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soils and Crops (including Phenotyping)
Precision Crop Protection
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Agriculture
Digital Agriculture Solutions for Soil Health and Water Quality
Big Data, Data Mining and Deep Learning
Data Analytics for Production Ag
Precision Agriculture for Sustainability and Environmental Protection
Wireless Sensor Networks and Farm Connectivity
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Filter results36 paper(s) found.

1. Investigation Of Crop Varieties At Different Growth Stages Using Optical Sensor Data

Cotton, soybean and sorghum are economically important crops in Texas. Knowing the growing status of crops at different stages of growth is crucial to apply site-specific management and increase crop yield for farmers. Field experiments were initiated to measure cotton, soybean and sorghum plants growth status and spatial variability through the whole growing cycle. A ground-based active optical sensor, Greenseeker®, was used to collect the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data... H. Zhang, Y. Lan, J. Westbrook, C. Suh, C. Hoffmann, R. Lacey

2. Extending The Concept Of Precision Conservation To Restoration Of Rivers And Streams

Comprehensive water quality management in watersheds involves management of upland and riparian environments. Efforts to optimize environmental performance of agriculture through field-scale precision conservation should be complemented with riparian restorations to enhance capacities to assimilate... M. Tomer, T.M. Isenhart, D.E. James

3. Application Rate Stability When Implementing Automatic Section Control Technology On Agricultural Sprayers

Automatic section control (on and off) technology of sprayer boom sections is an intelligent solution to maximize spray application efficiency during field operations. This technology can reduce over-application of products. Spray controllers available with this technology attempt to maintain the set target rate by adjusting system flow rate based on ground speed and application width.  Therefore, as sections are turned on or off, the flow regulating hardware must respond to maintain... A. Sharda, J.D. Luck, J.P. Fulton, S.A. Shearer, S.A. Shearer, D. Mullenix, M. Vanacht

4. Tip Flow Uniformity When Using Different Automatic Section Control Technologies During Field Operations

Automatic section control (ASC) technology provides a means to reduce double-coverage and application in unwanted areas thereby leading to input savings and improved environmental stewardship.  However, the impact of ASC on spray boom dynamics and tip flow uniformity are unknown. Therefore, a study was conducted to evaluate tip flow rate uniformity and control system response in maintaining target application rates during field operation. Field experiments were conducted using two self-propelled... A. Sharda, J.D. Luck, J.P. Fulton, S.A. Shearer, T.P. Mcdonald, D. Mullenix

5. Generating Herbicide Effective Application Rate Maps Based On GPS Position, Nozzle Pressure, And Boom Section Actuation Data Collected From Sprayer Control Systems

The application of pre- and post- emergence burn-down herbicides (i.e., glyphosate) continues to increase as producers attempt to reduce both negative environmental impacts from tillage and input costs from labor, machinery and materials.  The use of precision agriculture technologies such as automatic boom section control allows producers to reduce off-target application when applying herbicides.  While automatic boom section control has provided benefits, pressure differences across... J.D. Luck, A. Sharda, S.K. Pitla, J.P. Fulton, S.A. Shearer

6. Attaching Multiple Conductivity Meters To An Atv To Speed Up Precision Agriculture Soil Surveys

Ground conductivity meters are used in a number of precision agriculture applications, including the estimation of water content, nutrient levels, salinity and depth of topsoil. Typically the Geonics EM38 conductivity meter, and to a lesser extent the EM31, are used for soil surveys. Most conductivity surveys involve towing a ground conductivity meter behind an all-terrain vehicle (ATV). In some situations, such as rutted or sloping fields, it is preferable to mount the conductivity meter directly... E. Morris, A. Clarke, S. Sunley, C. Hill, G. Cranfield

7. Production And Conservation Results From A Decade-Long Field-Scale Precision Agriculture System

Research is needed that simultaneously evaluates production and conservation outcomes of precision agriculture practices.  From over a decade (1993-2003) of yield and soil mapping and water quality assessment, a multi-faceted, “precision agriculture system” (PAS) was developed and initiated in 2004 on a 36-ha field in Central Missouri. The PAS assessment was accomplished by comparing it to the previous decade of conventional corn-soybean... C. Baffaut, K. Sudduth, J. Sadler, R. Kremer, R. Lerch, N. Kitchen, K. Veum

8. Effect Of Time Of Application On Spray Coverage Using Solid Set Canopy Delivery System

Permanent or solid set canopy delivery system can be used for foliar application in tree fruit orchards. The emitters are placed along the tree rows and are very close to tree canopy. During spray application droplets quickly get deposited on tree canopy and coverage of up to 90% could be achieved. However concerns still exist regarding critical time required to achieve target coverage using SSCD system. This knowledge of selecting an appropriate application time could help growers... M. Karkee, Q. Zhang, A. Sharda

9. sUAVS Technology For Better Monitoring Crop Status For Winter Canola

The small-unmanned aircraft vehicles (sUAVS) are currently gaining more popularity in agriculture with uses including identification of weeds and crop production issues, diagnosing nutrient deficiencies, detection of chemical drift, scouting for pests, identification of biotic or abiotic stresses, and prediction of biomass and yield. Research information on the use of sUAVS have been published and conducted in crops such as rice, wheat, and corn, but the development of... I.A. Ciampitti, K. Shroyer, V. Prasad, A. Sharda, M.J. Stamm, H. Wang, K. Price, D. Mangus

10. Selection and Utility of Uncooled Thermal Cameras for Spatial Crop Temperature Measurement Within Precision Agriculture

Since previous research used local, single-point measurements to indicate crop water stress, thermography is presented as a technique capable of measuring spatial temperatures supporting its use for monitoring crop water stress. This study investigated measurement accuracy of uncooled thermal cameras under strict environmental conditions, developed hardware and software to implement uncooled thermal cameras and quantified intrinsic properties that impact measurement accuracy and repeatability.... D.L. Mangus, A. Sharda

11. Site-specific Scale Efficiency Determined by Data Envelopment Analysis of Precision Agriculture Field Data

Since its inception and acceptance as a benchmarking tool within the economics literature, data envelopment analysis (DEA) has been used primarily as a means of calculating and ranking whole-farm entities marked as decision making units (DMU) against one another.  Within this study, instead of ranking the entire farm operation against similar peers that encompass the study, individual data points from within the field are evaluated to analyze the site-specific technical efficiencies estimated... J.L. Maurer, T.W. Griffin, A. Sharda

12. On Farm Studies to Determine Seeding Rate in Corn

Seeding rate (SDR) is one of the most critical production practices impacting productivity and economic return for corn (Zea mays L.) By changing SDRs in different zones within a field, herein termed as site-specific management, better economic results can be produced as the outcome of reducing SDRs in low productivity areas and increasing SDRs under high-yielding environments, relative to the uniform SDR management performed by the producer. The aim of this study was to analyze yield responses... G. Balboa, S. Varela, I. Ciampitti, S. Duncan, T. Maxwell, D. Shoups, A. Sharda

13. Value of Map Sharing Between Multiple Vehicles Using Automated Section Control in the Same Field

Large area farms and even moderate sized farms employing custom applicators and harvesters have multiple machines in the same field at the same time conducting the same field operation.  As a method to control input costs and minimize application overlap, these machines have been equipped with automatic section control (ASC). Over application is a concern especially for more irregularly shaped fields; however modern technology including automated guidance combined with automatic section control... J. Bennett, C. Wilson, A. Sharda, T. Griffin

14. A Decade of Precision Agriculture Impacts on Grain Yield and Yield Variation

Targeting management practices and inputs with precision agriculture has high potential to meet some of the grand challenges of sustainability in the coming century, including simultaneously improving crop yields and reducing environmental impacts. Although the potential is high, few studies have documented long-term effects of precision agriculture on crop production and environmental quality. More specifically, long-term impacts of precision conservation practices such as cover crops, no-tillage,... M.A. Yost, N. Kitchen, K. Sudduth, S. Drummond, J. Sadler

15. Real-time Gauge Wheel Load Variability on Planter with Downforce Control During Field Operation

Downforce control allows planters to maintain gauge wheel load across a range of soil resistance within a field. Downforce control is typically set for a target seed depth and either set to manually or automatically control the gauge wheel load. This technology uses load cells to actively regulate downforce on individual row units by monitoring target load on the gauge wheels. However, no studies have been conducted to evaluate the variability in gauge wheel load observed during planter operation... A. Sharda, S. Badua, D. Flippo, I. Ciampitti, T.W. Griffin

16. A Content Review of Precision Agriculture Courses Across the US

Knowledge of what precision agriculture (PA) content is currently taught across the United States will help build a better understanding for what PA instructors should incorporate into their classes in the future. The University of Missouri partnered with several universities throughout the nation on a USDA challenge grant. Precision Agriculture faculty from 24 colleges/universities from across the U.S. shared their PA content by sharing their syllabi from 43 different courses. The syllabi were... D. Skouby, L. Schumacher, M. Yost, N.R. Kitchen

17. Influence of Planter Downforce Setting and Ground Speed on Seeding Depth and Plant Spacing Uniformity of Corn

Uniform seed placement improves seed-to-soil contact and requires proper selection of downforce control across varying field conditions. At faster ground speeds, downforce changes and it becomes critical to select the level of planter downforce settings to achieve the desired consistency of seed placement during planting. The objective of this study was to assess the effect of ground speed and downforce setting on seeding depth and plant spacing and to evaluate the relationship of ground speed... A. Sharda, S. Badua, I. Ciampitti, R. Strasser, T.W. Griffin

18. Evaluation of Image Acquisition Parameters and Data Extraction Methods on Plant Height Estimation with UAS Imagery

Aerial imagery from unmanned aircraft systems (UASs) has been increasingly used for field phenotyping and precision agriculture. Plant height is one important crop growth parameter that has been estimated from 3D point clouds and digital surface models (DSMs) derived from UAS-based aerial imagery. However, many factors can affect the accuracy of aerial plant height estimation. This study examined the effects of image overlap, pixel resolution, and data extraction methods on estimation... C. Yang, C. Suh, W. Guo, H. Zhao, J. Zhang, R. Eyster

19. Seed Localization System Suite with CNNs for Seed Spacing Estimation, Population Estimation and Doubles

Proper seed placement during planting is critical to achieve uniform emergence which optimizes the crop for maximum yield potential. Currently, the ideal way to determine planter performance is to manually measure plant spacing and seeding depth. However, this process is both cost- and labor-intensive and prone to human errors. Therefore, this study aimed to develop seed localization system (SLS) system to measure seed spacing and seeding depth and providing the geo-location of each planted seed.... A. Sharda, R. Harsha chepally

20. The Impact of Row Unit Position on Planter Toolbar on Corn Crop Development: an Experimental Study

Precision planting techniques are essential to grow corn successfully. Monitoring planter speed, row-unit bounce, and gauge-wheel load ensures high-quality seeding. Vertical vibration during planting can impede seed metering and delivery, causing planting variability. Row unit vibration increases with planting speed and can lead to spatial variability in planting. Therefore, the goals of this study were to 1) understand the influence of row unit location on its vertical vibration; and 2) compare... J. Peiretti, A. Sharda, S. Badua

21. Influence of Ground Control Points and Processing Parameters on UAS Image Mosaicking for Plant Height Estimation

Digital surface models (DSMs) and 3D point clouds, generated using overlapping images from unmanned aircraft systems (UASs), are often used for plant height estimation in phenotyping and precision agriculture. This study examined the effects of the quantity and placement of ground control points (GCPs) and image processing parameters on the creation of DSMs and 3D point clouds for plant height estimation. A 2-ha field containing multiple experimental plots with four crops (corn, cotton, sorghum,... C. Yang, H. Zhao, W. Guo, J. Zhang, C. Suh, B.K. Fritz

22. Quantifying Constant Rate and Sensor-based Variable Rate Nitrogen (N) Fertilizer Response on Crop Vigor and Yield

Agricultural fertilizer application is one of the essential components of crop production. It enhances crop growth, yield, and quality of the crop. The most widely used methods for nutrient application are the constant rate and variable rate application. An improper supply of fertilizer can potentially hamper crop growth and reduce the quality of the crop. Therefore, there is a need to select the best optimum nutrient application method for proper utilization of the nutrients. Therefore, the study... R. Singh, A. Sharda

23. Real-time Seed Mapping Using Direct Methods

Seed distance estimations are critical for planter evaluation and the prediction of planting parameter performance. However, these estimations are typically not conducted in real-time. In this study, we propose a real-time seed mapping approach using cameras and computer vision networks, augmented by a Kalman filter for vehicle state estimation. This process involves the transformation of pixel coordinates into real-world coordinates. We conduct a comparative analysis between these estimates and... A. Sharda, R. Harsha chepally

24. Automated Pipeline for Research Plot Extraction and Multi-polygon Shapefile Generation for Phenotype and Precision Agriculture Applications

The plant breeding community increasingly adopt remote sensing platforms like unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to collect phenotype data on various crops. These platforms capture high-resolution multi-spectral (MS) image data during extensive field trials, enabling concurrent evaluation of hundreds of plots with diverse seed varieties and management practices. Currently, the plant breeders rely on manual and intricate data extraction, processing, and analysis of high-resolution imagery to draw... A. Sharda, A. Dua, W. Schapaugh, R. Hessel

25. Optimizing Corn Irrigation Strategies: Insights from NDVI Trends, Soil Moisture Dynamics, and Remote Sensing

This comprehensive field experiment systematically examines the impact of varied irrigation rates on corn growth and yield across three treatments: 33%, 67%, and 100% irrigation rates. Utilizing the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) as a parameter for vegetation health, distinct patterns emerge throughout key growth stages. The 100% irrigation treatment consistently exhibits superior vegetation health, sustaining higher NDVI values across all stages, while the 33% treatment reveals... J.O. Abon, A. Sharda

26. Enhancing Agricultural Feedback Analysis Through VUI and Deep Learning Integration

A substantial amount of information relies on consumers, influencing aspects from product adoption to overall satisfaction. Similarly, the agricultural sector is entirely dependent on farmers, who dictate the success of products and highlight associated challenges. Our study aligns with this perspective, recognizing the significance of understanding farmers' needs to assist tractor manufacturing industries. As these industries aim for widespread adoption of their products among farmers, it... S. Kaushal, A. Sharda

27. Assessing Plant Spacing Inequality and Its Impact on Crop Yield Using Lorenz Curves and Gini Index

Plant spacing is the distance between individual plants in a crop field. It is vital for proper crop establishment as it can influence the spatial and temporal variation in plant emergence. These variations alter how plants interact for light, water, and nutrient resource needs, which, in turn, impact an individual plant's growth conditions and crop yield. Alternatively, studies have associated uniformity in plant spacing with higher yields and increased weed suppression. Modern precision... B. Aryal, A. Sharda, J. Peiretti

28. Assessing Spray Coverage Variability of an Under-canopy Robotic Sprayer System in Sorghum Crop

An under-canopy robotic sprayer system was developed for site-specific pest management in row crops. However, the effect of nozzle type and spray coverage variability at different points within the plant canopy was unknown. The objective of this study was to quantify the spray coverage at multiple locations within the sorghum crop canopy to determine the effectiveness of such robotic systems. The experiments were conducted in a sorghum field in Ashland, Kansas, using XR8001 flat fan and TXVS6... P. Pokharel, A. Sharda, M. Gadhwal, B. Aryal

29. Design and Development of a Spraying System for Under Canopy Rover and Its Integration with Computer Vision System

Chemical spraying such as herbicides, insecticides are essential in any agricultural field for controlling pest, weed etc. and ultimately increasing yield. About one-third of agricultural yields rely on the utilization of pesticides. However, around 3 billion kilograms of pesticides are used worldwide every year and effective utilization of it is merely 1%. The precise application of these chemicals is necessary to reduce negative impacts on environment as well as human health. The application... N.K. Piya, A. Sharda, J.R. Persch, D. Flippo, R. Harsha chepally

30. System Development for Application and Testing of Spray-on Biodegradable Mulch

Plastic mulch films have long been a staple in agriculture and plays a critical part in the specialty crop production. Plastic mulch provides benefits such as conserving soil moisture, suppress weed growth and increase soil temperature. However, the widespread use of petroleum based plastic mulch films have raised concerns due to challenges associated with their removal and environmental impact. Plastic mulch has to be removed after every growing season. During the removal process, microplastic... N.K. Piya, A. Sharda, D. Flippo

31. Effective Furrow Closing Systems for Consistent Corn Seed Placement

Farmers face a constant challenge when choosing the appropriate planter setup due to the variability of cropping systems under no-till. Effective performance of the planter's closing wheels can reduce errors from previous components that affect seedbed formation in the furrow. Effective seed-to-soil contact during planting is essential for optimal seed emergence and overall crop stand, with the closing wheels playing a pivotal role in this process. Producers have a range of closing wheels... J. Peiretti, B. Gigena, S. Badua, A. Sharda

32. Rapid Assessment of Yield Using Machine Learning Models and UAV Multispectral Imagery for Soybean Breeding Plots

Advances in precision agriculture in data collection, crop monitoring, screening, and management over the 10-15 years are revolutionizing on-farm agricultural research trials. In crop breeding plots, this approach is called "High Throughput Phenotyping", which uses innovative technology to extract phenotypic data for large populations. Remote sensing has become one of the commonly used platforms for rapid acquisition of imagery data at spatial and temporal scale. Particularly, the unmanned... A. Dua, A. Sharda, W. Schapaugh, R. Hessel, S. Rai

33. Hardware Design, Validation & Integration of Wireless Data Communication Platform for Site Specific Liquid Application System

Autonomous farming applications require real-time data handling of information gathered by diverse sensors on the platform. Transmitting dynamic information swiftly is crucial, but currently available systems often lack this capability, resulting in data loss. An urgent need exists for an instant wireless communication platform to capture, relay, and process data efficiently to the central hub for further processing. This study focuses on the development of a wireless data... K. Shende, A. Sharda

34. Quantifying Boom Movement in Agricultural Sprayer Booms Using Neural Networks for Real-world Field Scenarios

Application rate errors in self-propelled agricultural sprayers remain a significant concern, necessitating a comprehensive understanding of boom movement during actual field operating scenarios. This study introduces new objectives to quantify boom movement across commercial sprayers when operated by different individuals and compares these movements among various machines. The goal is to develop a metric that identifies potential improvement needs for boom height control system. The approach... T. Kaloya, A. Sharda, A. Dalal

35. Machine Learning Model to Predict Total Nozzle Volume Delivery for Pulse Width Modulated Flow Controllers

Product flow rate in the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) variable rate technologies depends on the duty cycle. However, the actual product flow rate at any duty cycle depends on pressure rise, stable pressure during the cycle, fall time and pressure drop across the nozzle body. The current controller does not consider the pressure drops and the estimation of actual flow during each cycle at any duty cycle cannot be estimated with capturing high-frequency pressure data. Knowledge of volume delivery... S. Dua, A. Sharda

36. Enhancing Seeding Efficiency: Evaluating Row Cleaners with Computer Vision in Precision Agriculture

In precision agriculture, the effective sowing of seeds is crucial but often hindered by challenges like hair pinning, low soil temperatures, and heavy residue on the soil surface. To address these issues, row cleaners are employed to clear the path for seeder opener discs, ensuring a clean, uniform trench for seed placement. This study examines the performance of various row cleaner models and introduces a novel method for their automatic, quantitative evaluation using computer vision technology.  We... F. Sidharth, A. Sharda, B.G. Berretta