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Canata, T
Canal Filho, R
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Maldaner, L
Canata, T
Molin, J
Passalaqua, B
Quirós, J.J
Balboa, G
Masnello, J.C
De Oliveira Moreira, F
Canal Filho, R
Da Silva, E.R
Molin, J.P
Engineering Technologies and Advances
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Static and Kinematic Tests for Determining Spreaders Effective Width

Spinner box spreaders are intensively used in Brazil for variable rate applications of lime in agriculture. The control of that operation is a challenging issue because of the complexity involved on the interactions between product and machine. Quantification of transverse distribution of solids thrown from the spinner box spreaders involves dynamic conditions tests where the material deposited on trays is evaluated along the pass of the machinery. There is a need of alternative testing methods... L. Maldaner, T. Canata, J. Molin, B. Passalaqua, J.J. Quirós

2. Sugarcane Yield Mapping Using an On-board Volumetric Sensor

Few alternatives are available to the sugarcane sector for monitoring crop productivity. However, in recent years, research has been dedicated to developing methods ranging from estimation based on engine parameters to using sensors and artificial intelligence. This study aims to present a new tool for monitoring productivity applied to sugarcane cultivation, which utilizes a volumetric optical sensor, in contrast to other methods already used for this measurement, and is recently being introduced... G. Balboa, J.C. Masnello, F. De oliveira moreira, R. Canal filho, E.R. Da silva, J.P. Molin