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Pe, J.M
Pl, L
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Garcia-Torres, L
Gomez-Candon, D
Caballero-Novella, J.J
Gomez-Casero, M
Pe, J.M
Jurado-Exp, M
Lopez-Granados, F
Castillejo-Gonz, I
Garc, A
R, C
Rumpf, T
B, K
Hunsche, M
Pl, L
Noga, G
Garcia-Torres, L
Gomez-Candon, D
Caballero-Novella, J.J
Pe, J.M
Jurado-Exp, M
Castillejo-Gonz, I
Garc, A
Lopez-Granados, F
Prassack, L
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Modeling and Geo-statistics
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Filter results3 paper(s) found.

1. Sectioning And Assessment Remote Images For Precision Agriculture: The Case Of Orobanche Crenate In Pea Crop

  The software SARI® has been developed to implement precision agriculture strategies through remote sensing imagery. It is written in IDL® and works as an add-on of ENVI®. It has been designed to divide remotely sensed imagery into “micro-images”, each corresponding to a small area (“micro-plot”), and to determine the quantitative agronomic and/or environmental biotic (i.e. weeds, pathogens) and/or non-biotic (i.e. nutrient levels) indicator/s... L. Garcia-torres, D. Gomez-candon, J.J. Caballero-novella, M. Gomez-casero, J.M. Pe, M. Jurado-exp, F. Lopez-granados, I. Castillejo-gonz, A. Garc

2. Early Identification Of Leaf Rust On Wheat Leaves With Robust Fitting Of Hyperspectral Signatures

Early recognition of pathogen infection is of great relevance in precision plant protection. Disease detection before the occurrence of visual symptoms is of particular interest. By use of a laserfluoroscope, UV-light induced fluorescence data were collected from healthy and with leaf rust infected wheat leaves of the susceptible cv. Ritmo 2-4 days after inoculation under controlled conditions. In order to evaluate disease impact on spectral characteristics 215 wavelengths in the range of 370-800... C. R, T. Rumpf, K. B, M. Hunsche, L. Pl, G. Noga

3. Management Of Remote Imagery For Precision Agriculture

Satellite and airborne remotely sensed images cover large areas, which normally include dozens of agricultural plots. Agricultural operations such as sowing, fertilization, and pesticide applications are designed for the whole plot area, i.e. 5 to 20 ha, or through precision agriculture. This takes into account the spatial variability of biotic and of abiotic factors and uses diverse technologies to apply inputs at variable rates, fitted to the needs of each small defined area, i.e. 25 to 200... L. Garcia-torres, D. Gomez-candon, J.J. Caballero-novella, J.M. Pe, M. Jurado-exp, I. Castillejo-gonz, A. Garc, F. Lopez-granados, L. Prassack