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I-SALUS: New Web Based Spatial Systems for Simulating Crop Yield and Environmental Impact
1T. Chou, 1M. Yeh, 1J. Chen, 2B. Basso
1. Feng Chia University
2. Michigan State University


SALUS (System Approach to Land Use Sustainability) model is designed to simulate the impact of agronomic management on yield and environmental impact. SALUS model has new approaches and algorithms for simulating soil carbon, nitrogen, phosphorous, tillage, soil water balance and yield components. In the past, the use of the crop model was not easy for general users like farmers or stakeholders because of the detailed input data and complex setup. In order to increase the usage of crop model, we develop a web-based application system with two interfaces: a simple interface and Wed-GIS interface. SALUS Simple Interface is a user friendly application interface without cumbersome steps. People could know what the sensible management practice for their fields is by using the SALUS Simple Interface. SALUS-WebGIS helps people to know the spatial variability of crop yield and soil condition. Users could improve their management strategies according to the simulation. SALUS Simple Interface and SALUS-WebGIS could assess the impacts on the environments under different management practices through the spatial and temporal variability. The simple operations could engage more people to understand the importance of sustainable development and try to improve on agronomic management. 

T. Chou    M. Yeh    J. Chen    B. Basso    Modeling and Geo-statistics    Poster    2012