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Effect Of Land Use Over Spatial Variability Of Nitrogen Mineralization And Some Of Chemical Soil Properties In Mirabad Area Of Iran
E. nabizadeh, S. kaboodi
no Affiliation
Any changes in ecosystem conditions and land management impact on ecology of soil inorganic nitrogen. Understanding of the biology soil is increasingly important for sustainable ecosystem. The aim of this study was to investigate the spatial variability and zoning of nitrogen mineralization, organic carbon and calcium carbonate influenced by the user of apple orchards, crop production and pasture, and compare the two interpolating method kriging and inverse distance weighting in Mirabad area, North West of Iran. In this case which are affected by three land uses including apple orchards, crop production and pasture, 65 soil samples (0-30cm) were taken from Mirabad which has located in the western part of Soulduz plain between the Naghadeh and Oshnaviyeh cities (west Azarbaijan). For normality of data distribution and the correlation coefficent was SPSS applied The value of unsampled points was interpolated using kriging and inverse distance weighting by geostatistics (GS+)software. The results show that the kriging method is best method interpolation for unsampled points for ammonium, nitrate, and organic carbon. Also was determined that the spherical model for interpolation values of ammonium, organic carbon and calcium carbonate equivalent and the exponential model as the best model for Interpolation values of nitrate were determined. If ratio of nugget variance to sill is less than 25%, then the variable has strong spatial dependence if the ratio is between 25% and 75%, the variable has moderate spatial dependence, and otherwise, the variable has weak spatial dependence. Results indicated that spatial dependence nitrogen mineralization of soil is medium and this reflected the effect of the users on the spatial distribution of these properties. Results obtained from variance analysis by application MSTATC showed that these properties are influenced by the different users. Spatial distribution maps of biological, chemical and physical soil properties were provided by integrating geostatistical out puts and GIS.
Keyword: Nitrogen mineralization, organic carbon, calcium carbonate equivalent, geostatistics, GIS, biodiversity.