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Technology Support for Game Monitoring As a Tool for Damages Reduction of Field Crops
1J. Jarolimek, 2M. Stočes, 1J. Vaněk, 1M. Ulman
1. Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
2. Czech University of Life Sciences

Wild boars (Sus scrofa) are increasingly becoming the main cause of field crops damage in Czech Republic and central Europe area. There are many reasons why wild boars population is growing. The major reason is most likely change in the composition of field crops. In some areas in particular there is focus on oilseed rape and maize, for which there are also recorded the biggest losses.

One of the key discussion topics is the issue of estimation of animal quantities and its traceability. In order to provide accurate counting and monitoring of wildlife, the Department of Information Technology at Czech University of Life Sciences Prague established a technological background that utilizes open applications for telemetric tracking of animals and online calculations of population density using Random Encounter Model. The Department also conducts research into new methods and standards of data transfer including the potential of Internet of Things (IoT). Used applications are provided as a service to agricultural companies, state company Military Forests and Farms and to other research subjects

Keyword: wild animals, density, telemetry, drone, service, REM method, API, IoT, population count