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New Technologies in Biological Plant Protection and Its Localization
N. Sedinina, V. Kotlyarov, D. Kotlyarov
Kuban State Agrarian University

The sharp increase in the use of pesticides in agrobiocenosis in the background of no-till and minimum tillage called: the growth of costs, the decline of soil fertility, the occurrence of resistance in harmful organisms and change in species composition, a number of other pressing environmental problems. In this regard, the most preferred and safe bipolarization of plant protection. The use of microorganisms in plant protection can reduce the number of harmful organisms in anthropogenic ecosystems, to improve the structure of soil due to increase of the antagonistic bacteria and fungi in it. These types of bacteria and fungi, it is advisable to use directly for plant protection. They cause maceration of the pathogens cell walls, produce a variety of physiologically active substances that stimulate plant growth, suppress the growth of pathogens and even insect-pests. Developed a new method of biological plant protection based on the system application (tank mix) of soil microorganisms bacteria and fungi. It is based on the use of various microorganisms: Trichoderma viride, Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae,  Azotobacter chroococcum, Bacillus megatherium (RU, Patent №  2539025).

Consistency is the three mandatory conditions making -1) Processing plant residues, 2) seed treatment, 3) treatment of crops by a complex of microorganisms.

To reduce the cost of biologics applied the concept of culturing microorganisms in a simple culture medium (sugar and bran) in terms of its small tonnage production.

Bran are a source of protein, vitamins, polysaccharides and starch. They are also a source of minerals and calcium. Bran protein is the basis of cytoplasmic content of the cells. Sugar is an additional source of nutrition for bacteria and fungi. The microorganisms break down sugars by hydrolysis to simple sugars of glucose and fructose. Nutrient medium from the bran may contain amino acids. But some of the amino acids added in small amounts to intensify the growth of microorganisms. In this case, the amino acid is a catalyst for microorganisms.

Small-scale production has its own characteristics:

1. It is located near production fields.

2. It is a periodic process.

3. It belongs to seasonal productions.

4. The need of this production is determined by the necessity of carrying out of agrotechnical measures: vegetation treatment, seed treatment and stubble.

5. Cultivation of microorganisms associated with the enzymatic decomposition of complex components, typically from the group of sugars and/or polysaccharides.

In the first case we have treated wheat seeds with different microorganisms (titer of 104 to 107).

The control variant in winter wheat was without treatment and the third variant was treated with the fungicide Raxil (Tebuconazole + Prothioconazole + Metalaxyl) Then seeds were sown. Then in the phase of the third leaf of plants grown from treated seed microorganisms, were re-treated with a suspension of microorganisms (titer of 104 to 107).In addition, after harvesting fore crop residues were treated with a suspension of the above-mentioned complex of microorganisms.

The results showed that the yield in the control variant (without treatment) of 3.87 tons/ha, the third option (with the fungicide Raxil) - 4.38 tons/ha, and the first option (microbiological treatment) - 4,5 tons/ha.

Study of biometric parameters of seedlings showed that the long roots (cm) control variant ranged from 7 to 15, in the third variant (with the fungicide Raxil Ultra) - from 8 to 13 and in the first (microbiological treatment) - from 9 to 16.

Furthermore it is established that at low and medium infection of seed such processing can suppress the development of root rot agents, so in the absence of smut is appropriate to apply microbiological protection.

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Keyword: biological plant protection, Trichoderma viride, Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae, Azotobacter chroococcum, Bacillus megatherium