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Arnó, J
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Spatial Variability and Correlations Between Soil Attributes and Productivity of Green Corn Crop
1W. J. Souza, 2V. S. Akune, 3S. H. Benez, 4L. C. Citon, 1P. H. Nakazawa, 1A. J. Santana Neto
1. UNESP - Campus de Registro
2. UNESP - Campus de Botucatu
3. UNESP - FCA/Campus de Botucatu
4. UNISA - Universidade de Santo Amaro

In Brazil, the progressive development in the cultivation of the corn for consumption in the green stadium stands by the relevant socio-economic role that this related to multiple applications, the attractive market price and continuous demand for the product in nature. Therefore, this study was to analyze the correlations and spatial variability of the productivity of the culture of the green corn in winter, in alluvial soil of the type Cambisols eutrophic in the amount areas and Hydromorphic eutrophic in plain grounds. The experiment went carried in the agricultural year of 2013/2014 in the commercial area belonging to Kassuga Farm, located in the city of Register, in the Ribeira Valley region, SP, Brazil. The delimited experimental area was of 4,97 ha constituted of a sampling grid distributed 68 collection points of georeferenced data, with an average spacing of 25 m between the demarcations. The sowing of the green corn went carried through in the winter, in succession to the rice crop, in the no-tillage system. The agronomic characteristics evaluated were; plant height, length, diameter, productivity of tangs with straw and without straw and productivity of corn grain in the green stage. The data relating to agronomic characteristics of green corn underwent exploratory analysis, classical descriptive and adherence to the distribution Normal. The data do not present a normal distribution were submitted to geostatistical analysis. The information analyzed demonstrated results with average values for height of plant, length and diameter of corncob with straw of 273,4 and 579 mm and without straw 213,8 and 481 mm. the average productivity of the tang with straw and without straw were 20.56 t ha-1 and 13 t ha-1 , respectively, while the grain reached 7.17 t ha-1. The coefficient of variation shows higher values for corncob without straw productivity and grain yield. There were positive and significant correlations between the variables. Thus, the cultivation of green corn in the study region went considered viable, due to the satisfactory results of crop productivity. The division of the area on management units went considered adequate to the development of localized agricultural practices.

Keyword: precision agriculture, management zones, variable rate