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PA Education: Using Social Media
1A. T. Winstead, 1S. H. Norwood, 2J. P. Fulton, 3A. M. Adrian
1. Alabama Cooperative Extension System
2. Auburn University
3. Alabama Cooperative Extension System and Auburn University

Social media and web-based applications are gaining in popularity for disseminating information and communicating with others. The traditional method of transferring information through print and face-to-face meetings is now often supplemented and/or replaced by web-based outlets. The Alabama Precision Agriculture Program initiated a social media and web campaign as a method of distributing educational information while gaining recognition as a source for precision agriculture (PA) resources. A new, user-friendly website, www.AlabamaPrecisionAgOnline.com was developed to disseminate extension and research information. A PA blog was created as a central feature of the site. A Twitter account and a Facebook fan page were also setup as the basis of the social media campaign providing alternative means to engage clients and communicate new information.  Changes and updates in PA can now be quickly transferred to clientele, outreach efforts have expanded and the client base has broadened to include non-traditional members. The social media campaign has proven successful in facilitating networking capabilities and client communication with future intentions of expanding the social networking capabilities to reach more people internationally.

Keyword: Social Media, Social Networking, Outreach, Education