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Assessing Soil Organic Carbon Levels at the Sub-Field Scale in Southwestern Ontario Using a UAV Mounted Multispectral Sensor
1M. March, 1A. Laamrani, 1A. Berg, 2R. Martin, 3P. Voroney, 1A. McLaren
1. University of Guelph, Department of Geography
2. University of Guelph, Department of Plant Agriculture
3. University of Guelph, School of Environmental Sciences

Since agricultural cropping practices both influence and are influenced by soil health, the quantification and maintenance of soil health is of critical importance for sustainable production.  An important indicator of soil health is Soil Organic Carbon (SOC), thus making its conservation vital.  Traditional quantification methods of SOC content include laboratory and field based techniques; approaches that are both time and labor intensive. The remote detection of SOC using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) has the potential to be faster and more economically advantageous when compared to conventional soil sampling methods. The goal of this study is to examine the potential of multispectral UAV systems for sub-field analysis of SOC. To accomplish this objective we mounted a multispectral camera (400 – 800 nm) to a UAV and obtained imagery over an agricultural field under bare soil condition. We obtained 111 soil samples from this field along two transects at a 20m-interval (a total of 37 locations). At every position three soil samples were collected and sent to carbon laboratory analysis using a LECO C analyzer.  Positions of all field sampling measurements (along transects) were recorded using a GPS to allow direct comparison with UAV imagery. Correlation among observed SOC, laboratory spectroscopy and our field-based multi spectral   UAV imagery data (i.e., reflectance) is presented outlining the potential of this approach in an agricultural setting within Southern Ontario.

Keyword: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, Soil Organic Carbon, multispectral imagery