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AgDataBox: Web Platform of Data Integration, Software, and Methodologies for Digital Agriculture
1E. G. Souza, 2C. Bazzi, 2R. Sobjak, 1A. Hachisuca, 2A. Gavioli, 2N. Betzek, 2K. Schenatto, 1W. Moreira, 1E. Mercante, 1M. Rodrigues
1. Westen Paraná State University - UNIOESTE
2. Federal University of Technology - Paraná

Agriculture is challenging to produce more profitably, with the world population expected to reach some 10 billion people by 2050. Such a challenge can be achieved by adopting precision agriculture and digital agriculture (Agriculture 4.0). Digital agriculture has become a reality with the availability of cheaper and more powerful sensors, actuators and microprocessors, high-bandwidth cellular communication, cloud communication, and Big Data. Digital agriculture enables the flow of information from used agricultural equipment and new services that transform data into valuable intelligence. In this new paradigm, large amounts of data are available, and the challenge is to add value to them. The data portals (data visualization) and work platforms (data transformation) are inserted in this context. The availability of specific portals and platforms for precision and digital agriculture is essential to develop and implement a free web platform (http://adb.md.utfpr.edu.br/map). Our platform, called AgDataBox (ADB), aims at integrating data, software, procedures, and methodologies.

The current research is a joint project coordinated by the Western Paraná State University (Unioeste) and the Federal University of Technology - Paraná (UTFPR) with the cooperation of the Colorado State University (CSU), the United States Agricultural Research Service (USDA) in Columbia, the University of California Davis (UC Davis), the University of São Paulo (ESALQ/USP), and the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa). This platform continues the project for software SDUM (Software for Defining Management Zones, in Portuguese, Software para Definição de Unidades de Manejo).

This Web Platform has an Application Programming Interface (API), which consists of a set of resources accessible through the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) for transferring request and response messages expressed in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) format. The ADB-API, where the data and processing routines are centered, enables the interoperability of several applications. The following applications are under testing (1, 2, and 3) or development (4 and 5):

1) ADB-Mobile: it operates on devices with Android operating systems and allows recording the variable for producer experience regarding the division of areas in management zones (MZs), other than recording field data, keeping a history of all operations and occurrences of a harvest, storing such data locally on the mobile device and a data server. In addition, ADB-Mobile allows performing operations offline and, posteriorly, synchronizing data with ADB-API in online mode. This app is already available at the Google Play Store.

2) ADB-Map: it works with spatial data aiming to create thematic maps and MZs to subsidize Precision Agriculture and Digital Agriculture;

3) ADB-Admin: its primary goal is managing the resources provided by the API (ADB-API) for storing platform data;

4) ADB-IoT: it aims to develop a network of interconnected sensors such as those applied to MZs for the climatic and water monitoring of the plant;

5) AgDataBox Remote Sensing (ADB-RS): is an application that aims to acquire and process images obtained by remote sensing. Data is extracted from a multispectral image, transformed into information, and exported for external applications. The application is integrated with the ADB-MSA and allows the extracted data to ADB-Map, for MZs delineation.

Keyword: decision support systems, data interpolation, variable-rate application, site-specific management, work portal
E. G. Souza    C. Bazzi    R. Sobjak    A. Hachisuca    A. Gavioli    N. Betzek    K. Schenatto    W. Moreira    E. Mercante    M. Rodrigues    Decision Support Systems    Poster    2022