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1L. Katz, 2A. Ben-Gal, 3I. Litaor, 4A. Naor, 5A. Peeters, 6E. Goldshtein, 6V. Alchanatis, 6Y. Cohen
1. Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Research Organization, Volcani Center, Rishon-LeZion, 50250, Israel; Department of Soil and Water Sciences, The Robert H. Smith Faculty of Agricultu
2. Environmental Physics and Irrigation, Agricultural Research Organization, Gilat Research Center, M.P. Negev, 85280, Israel
3. Department of Precision Agriculture, MIGAL Galilee Research Institute, P.O.B. 831 Kiryat Shmona, 11016, Israel; Department of Environmental Sciences, Tel Hai College, Upper Galilee, 1220800, Israel
4. Department of Precision Agriculture, MIGAL Galilee Research Institute, P.O.B. 831 Kiryat Shmona, 11016, Israel
5. TerraVision Lab, P.O. Box 225, Israel 8499000
6. Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Research Organization, Volcani Center, Rishon-LeZion, 50250, Israel
L. Katz    A. Ben-gal    I. Litaor    A. Naor    A. Peeters    E. Goldshtein    V. Alchanatis    Y. Cohen