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AgDataBox-IoT Application Development for Agrometeorogical Stations in Smart Farm
1A. Hachisuca, 1E. G. Souza, 1E. Mercante, 2R. Sobjak, 1D. Ganascini, 1M. Abdala, 1I. Mendes, 2C. Bazzi, 1M. Rodrigues
1. Westen Paraná State University - UNIOESTE
2. Federal University of Technology - Paraná - UTFPR

Currently, Brazil is one of the world’s largest grain producers and exporters. Brazil produced 125 million tons of soybean in the 2019/2020 growing season, becoming the world’s largest soybean producer in 2020. Brazil’s economic dependence on agribusiness makes investments and research necessary to increase yield and profitability. Agriculture has already entered its 4.0 version, also known as digital agriculture, when the industry has entered the 4.0 era. This new paradigm uses Internet of Things (IoT) techniques, sensors installed in the field, network of interconnected sensors in the plot, drones for crop monitoring, multispectral cameras, storage and processing of data in Cloud Computing, and Big Data techniques to process the large volumes of generated data. One of the practical options for implementing precision agriculture (agriculture 3.0) is the segmentation of the plot into management zones, aiming at maximizing profits according to the productive potential of each zone, being economically viable even for small producers. Considering that climate factors directly influence yield, this study describes the development of a sensor network for climate monitoring of management zones (microclimates), allowing the identification of climate factors that influence yield at each stage. Our free web platform, called AgDataBox (ADB, http://adb.md.utfpr.edu.br/map), aims to integrate data, software, procedures, and methodologies. This work presents a new application for ADB, called ADB-IoT, a network of interconnected sensors such as those applied to MZs for the climatic and water monitoring of the plant. The objective is to provide a software framework for collecting data from a sensor network installed in an agricultural area. The resulting ten meteorological stations were developed and installed, and the communication module between the stations and the ADB-IoT server and the ADB-IoT application, an integral part of the ADB web platform.

Keyword: Big data, precision agriculture, wireless communication networks, Internet of Things, AgDataBox
A. Hachisuca    E. G. Souza    E. Mercante    R. Sobjak    D. Ganascini    M. Abdala    I. Mendes    C. Bazzi    M. Rodrigues    Decision Support Systems    Poster    2022