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Moorhead, R.J
Magen, H
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Srinivasa Rao, C
Rao, K
Magen, H
Venkateswarlu, B
Subba Rao, A
Samiappan, S
Henry, B
Moorhead, R.J
Hock, M.W
Precision Nutrient Management
Unmanned Aerial Systems
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Categorization of Districts Based on Nonexchangeable Potassium: Generation GIS Maps and Implications in Efficient K Fertility Management in Indian Agriculture

Recommendations of K fertilizer are made based on available (exchangeable + water soluble) K status only  in India and other despite of  substantial contribution of nonexchangeable fraction of soil K to crop K uptake. Present paper examines the information generated in the last 30 years on the status of nonexchangeable K in Indian soils, categorization of Indian soils based on exchangeable and nonexchangeable K fractions and making K recommendations. Data for both K fractions of different... C. Srinivasa rao, K. Rao, H. Magen, B. Venkateswarlu, A. Subba rao

2. Plant Stand Count and Corn Crop Density Assessment Using Texture Analysis on Visible Imagery Collected Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

Ensuring successful corn farming requires an effective monitoring program to collect information about stand counts at an early stage of growth and plant damages due to natural calamities, farming equipment, hogs, deer and other animals. These monitoring programs not only provide a yield estimate but also help farmers and insurance companies in assessing the causes of damages. Current field-based assessment methods are labor intensive, costly, and provide very limited information. Manual assessment... S. Samiappan, B. Henry, R.J. Moorhead, M.W. Hock