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Hallema, D.W
Bindelle, J
Badenhorst, P.E
Baresel, P
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Baresel, P
Mistele, B
Yuncai, H
Schmidhalter, U
Hackl, H
Andriamandroso, A
Dumont, B
Lebeau, F
Bindelle, J
Gumiere, S.J
Périard, Y
Caron, J
Hallema, D.W
Lafond, J.A
Badenhorst, P.E
Phelan, A
Sensor Application in Managing In-season Crop Variability
Precision Dairy and Livestock Management
Sensor Application in Managing In-season CropVariability
Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems
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Filter results4 paper(s) found.

1. A Comparison of Plant Temperatures as Measured By Thermal Imaging and Infrared Thermometry

... P. Baresel, B. Mistele, H. Yuncai, U. Schmidhalter, H. Hackl

2. The Performance Of Mobile Devices' Inertial Measurement Unit For The Detection Of Cattle's Behaviors On Pasture

Over the past decade, the Precision Livestock Farming (PLF) concept has taken a considerable place in the development of accurate methods for a better management of farm animals. The recent technological improvements allow the raising of numerous motion sensors such as accelerometers and GPS tracking. Several studies have shown the relevancy of these sensors to distinguish the animals’ behavior using various classification techniques such as neuronal networks or multivariate... A. Andriamandroso, B. Dumont, F. Lebeau, J. Bindelle

3. Detection Of Drainage Failure In Reconstructed Cranberry Soils Using Time Series Analysis

A cranberry farm is often a semi-closed water system, where water is applied by means of irrigation and drained using an artificial drainage system. Cranberry bogs must be drained to the water level inside the surrounding ditches in order to maintain an optimal pore pressure within the root zone, which is important for a number of reasons. First of all, Phytophthara causing root rot are commonly associated with irrigation with contaminated surface water (Oudemans, 1999)... S.J. Gumiere, Y. Périard, J. Caron, D.W. Hallema, J.A. Lafond

4. Yield Assessment of a 270 000 Plant Perennial Ryegrass Field Trial Using a Multispectral Aerial Imaging Platform

Current assessment of non-destructive yield in forage breeding programs relies largely on the visual assessment by experts, who would categorize biomass to a discrete scale. Visual assessment of biomass yield has inherent pitfalls as it can generate bias between experimental repeats and between different experts. Visual assessment is also time-consuming and would be impractical on large-scale field trials. A method has been established to allow for a rapid, non-destructive assessment of biomass... P.E. Badenhorst, A. Phelan