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Kim, H
Hur, S
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Chung, S
Kim, K
Kim, H
Choi, J
Zhang, Y
Kang, S
Han, K
Hur, S
Chung, S
Kong, J
Huh, Y
Bae, K
Hur, S
Lee, D
Chae, Y
Chung, S
Kim, K
Huh, Y
Hur, S
Ha, S
Ryu, M
Kim, H
Han, K
Precision Horticulture
Emerging Issues in Precision Agriculture (Energy, Biofuels, Climate Change)
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Filter results3 paper(s) found.

1. Remote Control System for Greenhouse Environment Using Mobile Devices

Protected crop production facilities such as greenhouse and plant factory have drawn interest and the area is increasing in Korea as well as in other countries in the world. Remote... S. Chung, K. Kim, H. Kim, J. Choi, Y. Zhang, S. Kang, K. han, S. Hur

2. Evaluation of Photovoltaic Modules at Different Installation Angles and Times of the Day

Several electricity-consuming components for cooling and heating, illumination, ventilation, and irrigation are used to maintain proper environments of protected crop cultivation facilities. Photovoltaic system is considered as one of the most promising alternative power source for protected cultivation. Effects of environment,... S. Chung, J. Kong, Y. Huh, K. Bae, S. Hur, D. Lee, Y. Chae

3. Determination of Sensor Locations for Monitoring of Greenhouse Ambient Environment

In protected crop production facilities such as greenhouse and plant factory, f... S. Chung, K. Kim, Y. Huh, S. Hur, S. Ha, M. Ryu, H. kim, K. han