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Monfort, W.S
May-tal, S
Molin, J.P
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Molin, J.P
Portz, G
Amaral, L.R
Amaral, L.R
Molin, J.P
Jasper, J
Portz, G
Rothrock, C.S
Monfort, W.S
Griffin, T.W
Spurlock, T.N
Beeri, O
May-tal, S
Rud, R
Raz, Y
Pelta, R
Beeri, O
May-tal, S
Raz, J
Rud, R
Sensor Application in Managing In-season Crop Variability
Precision Crop Protection
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
Decision Support Systems
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Filter results5 paper(s) found.

1. Measuring Sugarcane Height in Complement to Biomass Sensor for Nitrogen Management

Although extensive studied, nitrogen management remains a challenger for sugarcane growers, especially the nutrient spatial variability management, which demands the use of variable rate application. Canopy reflectance sensors are being studied, but it seems to saturate the sensor signal... J.P. Molin, G. Portz, L.R. amaral

2. Optimum Sugarcane Growth Stage for Canopy Reflectance Sensor to Predict Biomass and Nitrogen Uptake

The recent technology of plant canopy reflectance sensors can provide the status of biomass and nitrogen nutrition of sugarcane spatially and in real time, but it is necessary to know the right moment to use this technology aiming the best predictions of the crop parameters... L.R. Amaral, J.P. Molin, J. Jasper, G. Portz

3. Disease Scouting For Aerial Blight Based On Logical Areas Of Collection In Soybean Fields Rotated With Rice

Rhizoctonia solani AG1-IA causes sheath blight in rice and aerial blight in soybean.  In Arkansas, rice and soybean rotations facilitate a continuous source of R. solani AG1-IA inoculum from one year to the next.    Aerial blight is a two stage disease where colonization of the plant occurs during the early vegetative growth stages and aerial blight symptoms occur during the reproductive growth stages after canopy closure.  At canopy closure,... C.S. Rothrock, W.S. Monfort, T.W. Griffin, T.N. Spurlock

4. Detecting Variability in Plant Water Potential with Multi-Spectral Satellite Imagery

Irrigation Intelligence is a practice of precise irrigation, with the goal of providing crops with the right amount of water, at the right time, for optimized yield. One of the ways to achieve that, on a global scale, is to utilize Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2 images, providing together frequent revisit cycles of less than a week, and an adequate resolution for detection of 1 ha plots. Yet, in order to benefit from these advantages, it is necessary to examine the information that can be extracted... O. Beeri, S. May-tal, R. Rud, Y. Raz, R. Pelta

5. Field Test of a Satellite-Based Model for Irrigation Scheduling in Cotton

Cotton irrigation in Israel began in the mid-1950s. It is based on an irrigation protocol developed over dozens of years of cotton farming in Israel, and proved to provide among the world's best cotton yield results. In this experiment, we examined the use of an irrigation recommendation system that is based on satellite imagery and hyper-local meteorological data, "Manna treatment", compared to the common irrigation protocols in Israel, which use a crop coefficient (Kc) table and... O. Beeri, S. May-tal, J. Raz, R. Rud