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Rosen, C
Yule, I
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Nigon, T.J
Rosen, C
Mulla, D
Cohen, Y
Alchanatis, V
Rud, R
Cohen, Y
Alchanatis, V
Heuer, B
Lemcoff, H
Sprintsin, M
Rosen, C
Mulla, D
Nigon, T
Dar, Z
Cohen, A
Levi, A
Brikman, R
Markovits, T
Rud, R
Yule , I
Eastwood, C
Pullanagari, R
Yule, I
Tuohy, M
Hedley, M
King, W
Dynes, R
Hedley, C
Yule, I
Draganova, I
Yule, I
Stevenson, M
Bohman, B
Mulla, D
Rosen, C
Wakahara, S
Miao, Y
Gupta, S
Rosen, C
Mizuta, K
Zhang, J
Li, D
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Precision Dairy and Livestock Management
Proximal Sensing in Precision Agriculture
Engineering Technologies and Advances
In-Season Nitrogen Management
In-Season Nitrogen Management
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Filter results8 paper(s) found.

1. Hyperspectral Imagery for the Detection of Nitrogen Stress in Potato for In-season Management

... T.J. Nigon, C. Rosen, D. Mulla, Y. Cohen, V. Alchanatis, R. Rud

2. Evaluating Water Status in Potato Fields Using Combined Information from RGB and Thermal Aerial Images

Potato yield and quality are highly dependent on an adequate supply of water. In this study the combined information from RGB and thermal aerial images to evaluate... Y. Cohen, V. Alchanatis, B. Heuer, H. Lemcoff, M. Sprintsin, C. Rosen, D. Mulla, T. Nigon, Z. Dar, A. Cohen, A. Levi, R. Brikman, T. Markovits, R. Rud

3. Challenges and Opportunities for Precision Dairy Farming in New Zealand.

A study was commissioned by DairyNZ, a dairy industry good organisation in New Zealand, to identify some of the key challenges and opportunities in the precision dairy space. In New Zealand there has been an increasing research focus on the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) ... I. Yule , C. Eastwood

4. Proximal Sensing Tools to Estimate Pasture Quality Parameters.

To date systems for estimating pasture quality have relied on destructive sampling with measurement completed in a laboratory which was very time consuming and expensive. Results were often not received until after the pasture was grazed which defeated the point of the measurement, as farmers required the information to make decisions about grazing strategies to effectively... R. Pullanagari, I. Yule, M. Tuohy, M. Hedley, W. King, . Dynes

5. Farmer Uptake of Variable Rate Irrigation Technologies in New Zealand

Cost effective technological advances in recent years have allowed the uptake of variable rate irrigation (VRI) systems in New Zealand. Typically an existing sprinkler irrigator is modified for variable rate irrigation, irrigation management zones are defined using EM (electromagnetic)... C. Hedley, I. Yule

6. The Use of Sensing Technologies to Monitor and Track the Behavior of Cows on a Commercial Dairy Farm

New Zealand farmers are facing rapidly increasing pressure to reduce nutrient losses from their farming enterprises to the environment caused by grazing ruminants. Research... I. Draganova, I. Yule, M. Stevenson

7. Evaluating Remote Sensing Based Adaptive Nitrogen Management for Potato Production

Conventional nitrogen (N) management for potato production in the Upper Midwest, USA relies on using split-applications of N fertilizer or a controlled release N product. Using remote sensing to adaptively manage N applications has the potential to improve N use efficiency and reduce losses of nitrate to groundwater, which are important regional concerns. A two-year plot-scale experiment was established to evaluate adaptive N-management using remote sensing compared to conventional practices for... B. Bohman, D. Mulla, C. Rosen

8. Evaluating the Potential of Improving In-season Nitrogen Status Diagnosis of Potato Using Leaf Fluorescence Sensors and Machine Learning

Precision nitrogen (N) management is particularly important for potato crops due to their high N fertilizer demand and high N leaching potential caused by their shallow root systems and preference for coarse-textured soils. Potato farmers have been using a standard lab analysis called petiole nitrate-N (PNN) test as a tool to diagnose potato N status and guide in-season N management. However, the PNN test suffers from many disadvantages including time constraints, labor, and cost of analysis.... S. Wakahara, Y. Miao, S. Gupta, C. Rosen, K. Mizuta, J. Zhang, D. Li