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Drury, C
D'Errico, A
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Pattey, E
Jego, G
Tremblay, N
Drury, C
Ma, B
Sansoulet, J
Beaudoin, N
Basso, B
Fiorentino, C
Cammarano, D
D'Errico, A
Precision Nutrient Management
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Performance Evaluation of STICS Crop Model to Simulate Corn Growth Attributes in Response to N Rate and Climate Variations

Improving nitrogen use efficiency in crop plants contributes to increase the sustainability of agriculture. Crop models could be used as a tool to test the impact of climatic conditions on crop growth under several N management practices and to refine N application recommendation and strategy. STICS, a crop growth simulator developed by INRA (France), has the capability to assimilate leaf area index (LAI) from remote sensing to re-initialize input parameters, such as seeding date and seeding... E. Pattey, G. Jego, N. Tremblay, C. Drury, B. Ma, J. Sansoulet, N. Beaudoin

2. Understanding Spatial and Temporal Variability of Wheat Yield: An Integrated System Approach

Spatial variation in soil water and nitrogen are often the causes of crop yield spatial variability due to their influence on the uniformity of plant stand at emergence and for in-season stresses. Natural and acquired variability in production capacity or potential within a field causes uniform agronomic management practices for the field to be correct in some parts and inappropriate in others. To achieve... B. Basso, C. Fiorentino, D. Cammarano, A. D'errico