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Scanlan, C
Spurlock, T.N
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Rothrock, C.S
Monfort, W.S
Griffin, T.W
Spurlock, T.N
Evans, F.H
Andrew, J
Scanlan, C
Cook, S
Precision Crop Protection
Site-Specific Nutrient, Lime and Seed Management
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Disease Scouting For Aerial Blight Based On Logical Areas Of Collection In Soybean Fields Rotated With Rice

Rhizoctonia solani AG1-IA causes sheath blight in rice and aerial blight in soybean.  In Arkansas, rice and soybean rotations facilitate a continuous source of R. solani AG1-IA inoculum from one year to the next.    Aerial blight is a two stage disease where colonization of the plant occurs during the early vegetative growth stages and aerial blight symptoms occur during the reproductive growth stages after canopy closure.  At canopy closure,... C.S. Rothrock, W.S. Monfort, T.W. Griffin, T.N. Spurlock

2. Modifying Agro-Economic Models to Predict Effects of Spatially Varying Nitrogen on Wheat Yields for a Farm in Western Australia

Agricultural research in broadacre farming in Western Australia has a strong history, resulting in a significant public resource of knowledge about biophysical processes affecting crop performance. However, translation of this knowledge into improved on-farm decision making remains a challenge to the industry. Online and mobile decision support tools to assist tactical farm management decisions are not widely adopted, for reasons including: (1) they take too much time and training to learn; and... F.H. Evans, J. Andrew, C. Scanlan, S. Cook