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Wu, B
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Li, Z
Wu, B
Meng, J
Zeng, H
Wu, B
Yan, N
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Design, Development And Application Of A Satellite-Based Field Monitoring System To Support Precision Farming

The factual base of precision agriculture (PA) - the spatial and temporal variability of soil and crop factors within or between different fields has been recognized for centuries. Field information on seeding suitability, soil & crop nutrition status and crop mature date is needed to optimize field management. How to acquire the spatially and temporally varied field parameters accurately, efficiently and at affordable cost has always been the focus of the researches in the field.... Z. Li, B. Wu, J. Meng

2. A Method To Estimate Irrigation Efficiency With Evapotranspiration Data

Irrigation efficiency is defined as the ratio of irrigation water consumed by the crops to the water diverted (Wg) from a river or reservoir or wells. This terminology serves for better irrigation systems designation and irrigation management practices improvement. But it is hard or high cost with labor intensity to estimate irrigation efficiency from field measurement. This paper proposes an estimating method of irrigation efficiency at the scale of irrigation... H. Zeng, B. Wu, N. Yan