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Leithold, T
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Schneider, M
Leithold, T
Wagner, P
Leithold, T
Wagner, P
Proximal Sensing in Precision Agriculture
Profitability, Sustainability and Adoption
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Improvement of the Quality of “On-The-Go” Recorded Soil pH

An important basis for lime fertilisation is the recording of pH values. Many studies have shown that the pH value can vary greatly within a small area. Only through the development of a sensor by VERIS has it become possible to determine the pH value cheaply in a much higher sampling density than with the time and cost intensive laboratory method. With respect to their measurement principles, both methods differ fundamentally in that in the laboratory method an extraction medium is used. This... M. Schneider, T. Leithold, P. Wagner

2. Economics Of Site Specific Liming - Comparison Of On-The-Go And Grid-Based Soil Sampling To Determine The Soil pH

An important base for adequate liming is the recording of the soil pH. Several studies indicated a large heterogeneity of soil pH within fields. Recently technological improvements facilitate an on-the-go determination of the soil pH in a much higher sampling density compared to the conventional, time consuming and costly laboratory method. The “Veris soil pH sensor” allows georeferenced on-the-go mapping of the soil pH. But the “Veris soil pH sensor” and... T. Leithold, P. Wagner