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Leclerc, M
Lee, J
Li, Z
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Li, Z
Wu, B
Meng, J
Leksono, E
Adamchuk, V
Ji, W
Leclerc, M
Lee, J
song, S
Oh, S
Krishnaswamy, K
Sun, C
Adu-Gyamfi, Y
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
Precision Agriculture and Global Food Security
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Filter results3 paper(s) found.

1. Design, Development And Application Of A Satellite-Based Field Monitoring System To Support Precision Farming

The factual base of precision agriculture (PA) - the spatial and temporal variability of soil and crop factors within or between different fields has been recognized for centuries. Field information on seeding suitability, soil & crop nutrition status and crop mature date is needed to optimize field management. How to acquire the spatially and temporally varied field parameters accurately, efficiently and at affordable cost has always been the focus of the researches in the field.... Z. Li, B. Wu, J. Meng

2. Development of a Soil ECa Inversion Algorithm for Topsoil Depth Characterization

Electromagnetic induction (EMI) proximal soil sensor systems can deliver rapid information about soil. One such example is the DUALEM-21S (Dualem, Inc. Milton, Ontario, Canada). EMI sensors measure soil apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) corresponding to different depth of investigation depending on the instrument configuration. The interpretation of the ECa measurements is not straightforward and it is often site-specific. Inversion is required to explore specific depths. This inversion process... E. Leksono, V. Adamchuk, W. Ji, M. Leclerc

3. Smart Food Oases: Development of a Distributed Point-to-point Urban Food Ecosystem in Food Desert Areas

Urban agriculture has been getting much attention in the past decade as a solution to overcome food insecurity and accessibility of food for urban residents and to have better green environments in cities. Urban agriculture is expected to provide better nutrients to residents, reduce transportation and environmental costs, and help urban dwellers access food efficiently. The present study is to build a collaborative ecosystem among urban growers/producers and create bridges from these farmers... J. Lee, S. Song, S. Oh, K. Krishnaswamy, C. Sun, Y. Adu-gyamfi