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Spekken, M
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Molin, J.P
Spekken, M
Eitelwein, M.T
Molin, J.P
Spekken, M
Trevisan, R.G
Spekken, M
Molin, J.P
Romanelli, T.L
Ferraz, M.N
Spekken, M
Molin, J.P
Guidance, Robotics, Automation, and GPS Systems
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Decision Support Systems in Precision Agriculture
Robotics, Guidance and Automation
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Filter results4 paper(s) found.

1. Optimizing Path Planning By Avoiding Short Corner Tracks

... J.P. Molin, M. Spekken

2. Assessing Definition Of Management Zones Trough Yield Maps

Yield mapping is one of the core tools of precision agriculture, showing the result of combined growing factors. In a series of yield maps collected along seasons it is possible to observe not only the spatial distribution of the productivity but also its spatial consistency among different seasons. This work proposes the study of distinct methods to analyze yield stability in grain crops regarding its potential for defining management zones from a historical sequence of yield maps. Two methods... M.T. Eitelwein, J.P. Molin, M. Spekken, R.G. Trevisan

3. Site Specific Costs Concerning Machine Path Orientation

Computer algorithms have been created to simulate in advance the orientation/pattern of a machine operation on a field. Undesired impacts were obtained and quantified for these simulations, like: maneuvering and overlap of inputs in headlands; servicing of secondary units; and soil loss by water erosion. While the efforts could minimize the overall costs, they disregard the fact that these costs aren’t uniformly distributed over irregular fields. The cost of a non-productive machine process... M. Spekken, J.P. Molin, T.L. Romanelli, M.N. Ferraz

4. UAV Images As a Source for Retrieval of Machine Tracks and Vegetation Gaps Along Crop Rows

The trend of acquiring equipment and obtaining high resolution remote sensed images by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) have been followed by sugarcane producers in Brazil, given its low cost. The images taken from fields have been used for retrieval of information like Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) from stereoscopy of overlapping images and spatial variance of biomass. In sugarcane production, driving deviations occur during planting because of manual steering inaccuracy, sliding of machines sideways... M. Spekken, J.P. Molin