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Wood, B.A
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Yule, I.J
Wood, B.A
Cushnahan, M.Z
Yule, I.J
Wood, B.A
Wilson, R
Profitability, Sustainability and Adoption
Big Data Mining & Statistical Issues in Precision Agriculture
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Precision Agriculture As Bricolage: Understanding The Site Specific Farmer

There is an immediate paradox apparent in precision farming because it applies all of it ‘s precision and recognition of variability to the land, yet operates under the assumption of idealism and normative notions when it comes to considering the farmer.  Precision Agriculture (PA) systems have often considered the farmer as an optimiser of profit, or maximiser of efficiency, and therefore replaceable with mathematical constructs, so that although at the centre of decision... I.J. Yule, B.A. Wood

2. Surplus Science and a Non-linear Model for the Development of Precision Agriculture Technology

The advent of ‘big data technologies’ such as hyperspectral imaging means that Precision Agriculture (PA) developers now have access to superabundant and highly  heterogeneous data.  The authors explore the limitations of the classic science model in this situation and propose a new non-linear process that is not based on the premise of controlled data scarcity. The study followed a science team tasked with developing highly advanced hyperspectral techniques for a ‘low... M.Z. Cushnahan, I.J. Yule, B.A. Wood, R. Wilson