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Phillips, S
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Pampolino, M
Majumdar, K
Phillips, S
Arnall, D.B
Phillips, S
Penn, C
Watkins, P
Rutter, B
Warren, J
Precision Nutrient Management
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
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1. Nutrient Expert Software For Nutrient Management In Cereal Crops

Many countries in Asia have started replacing blanket fertilizer recommendations for vast areas of rice, maize, or wheat with more site-specific guidelines adapted to local needs. This process has been accompanied with a shift from traditional on-station research to on-farm development and evaluation of novel practices. A key challenge faced by the local extension agencies remains the complex nature of factors influencing nutrient requirements.  To aid in this process, the International... M. Pampolino, K. Majumdar, S. Phillips

2. Should One Phosphorus Extraction Method Be Used for VRT Phosphorus Recommendation in the Southern Great Plains?

Winter Wheat has been produced throughout the southern Great Plains for over 100 years.  In most cases this continuous production of mono-culture lower value wheat crop has led to the neglect of the soils, one such soil property is soil pH. In an area dominated by eroded soils and short term leases, Land-Grant University wheat breeders have created lines of winter wheat which are aluminum tolerant to increase production in low productive soils.  Now the fields in this region can have... D.B. Arnall, S. Phillips, C. Penn, P. Watkins, B. Rutter, J. Warren