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Amado, T.J
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Amado, T.J
Santi, A.L
Corassa, G.M
Bisognin, M.B
Gaviraghi, R
Pires, J.L
Corassa, G.M
Amado, T.J
Schwalbert, R.A
Reimche, G.B
Dalla Nora, D
Horbe, T.
Tabaldi, F.M
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Response of Soybean Cultivars According to Management Zones in Southern Brazil

The positioning of soybean cultivars on fields according your environmental response is new strategy to obtain high soybean yields. The aim of this study was to investigate the agronomic response of six soybean cultivars according management zones in Southern Brazil. The study was conducted in 2013/2014 and in two fields located in Boa Vista das Missões, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The experimental design was a randomized complete block in a factorial arrangement (3x6), with three management... T.J. Amado, A.L. Santi, G.M. Corassa, M.B. Bisognin, R. Gaviraghi, J.L. Pires

2. High-resolution Mapping with On-the-go Soil Sensor and Its Relation with Corn Yield and Soil Acidity in a Dystrophic Red Oxisol

Spatial representations of soil attributes with low resolution can lead to gross errors of recommendation and compromise the efficiency of soil corrections and consequently the grain yield. However, obtaining the spatial variability of soil attributes with high resolution by soil sampling is not recommended because of its large time spent and high cost of laboratory analysis what makes difficult their large-scale application. This way, the on-the-go soil sensing has been used in precision agriculture... G.M. Corassa, T.J. Amado, R.A. Schwalbert, G.B. reimche, D. Dalla nora, T. . horbe, F.M. tabaldi