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Finegan, M
Fey, S
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Kyveryga, P.M
Fey, S
Connor, J
Kiel, A
Muth, D
Finegan, M
Wallace, D
Profitability, Sustainability and Adoption
Education and Outreach in Precision Agriculture
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Within-field Profitability Assessment: Impact of Weather, Field Management and Soils

Profitability in crop production is largely driven by crop yield, production costs and commodity prices. The objective of this study was to quantify the often substantial yet somewhat illusive impact of weather, management, and soil spatial variability on within-field profitability in corn and soybean crop production using profitability indices for profit (net return) and return-on-investment (ROI) to produce estimates. We analyzed yield and cropping system data provided by 42 farmers within Central... P.M. Kyveryga, S. Fey, J. Connor, A. Kiel, D. Muth

2. Harness the Power of the Internet to Improve Yield

It’s rare to find a fertile farm or ranch that has complete cellular coverage across the entirety of its property. Because networking options like Wi-Fi are limited by restricted infrastructure in these areas, maintaining a reliable flow of connectivity is difficult. Yet, even if consistent cellular coverage is available, it’s frequently cost prohibitive for farm monitoring. Similarly, alternate wireless devices that require batteries aren’t practical because of high maintenance... M. Finegan, D. Wallace