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Behrendt, K
Bhuiya, G
Bobryk, C.W
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Banerjee, M
Dutta, S
Bhuiya, G
Malik, G
Maiti, D
Bobryk, C.W
Yost, M
Kitchen, N
Al Amin, A
Lowenberg‑DeBoer, J
Franklin, K
Behrendt, K
Behrendt, K
Takahashi, T
Rutter, M.S
Precision Nutrient Management
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Robotics, Guidance and Automation
ISPA Community: Economics
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Filter results4 paper(s) found.

1. Precision Nutrient Management Through Use Of LCC And Nutrient Expert In Hybrid Maize Under Laterite Soil Of India

Nutrient management has played a crucial role in achieving self sufficiency in food grain production. Energy crisis resulted in high price index of chemical fertilizers. Coupled with their limited production, fertilizer cost, soil health, sustainability and pollution have gave rise to interest in precision nutrient management tools. Field experiment was conducted to study the effect of variety and nutrient management on the growth and productivity of maize under lateritic belt of West Bengal... M. Banerjee, S. Dutta, G. Bhuiya, G. Malik, D. Maiti

2. Field Potential Soil Variability Index to Identify Precision Agriculture Opportunity

Precision agriculture (PA) technologies used for identifying and managing within-field variability are not widely used despite decades of advancement. Technological innovations in agronomic tools, such as canopy reflectance or electrical conductivity sensors, have created opportunities to achieve a greater understanding of within-field variability. However, many are hesitant to adopt PA because uncertainty exists about field-specific performance or the potential return on investment. These concerns... C.W. Bobryk, M. Yost, N. Kitchen

3. Economics of Field Size for Autonomous Crop Machines

Field size constrains spatial and temporal management of agriculture with implications for farm profitability, field biodiversity and environmental performance. Large, conventional equipment struggles to farm small, irregularly shaped fields efficiently. The study hypothesized that autonomous crop machines would make it possible to farm small non-rectangular fields profitably, thereby preserving field biodiversity and other environmental benefits. Using the experience of the Hands Free Hectare... A. Al amin, J. Lowenberg‑deboer, K. Franklin, K. Behrendt

4. Determining the Marginal Value of Extra Precision in Precision Grazing Systems – an Ex Ante Analysis of Impacts on System Productivity, Sustainability and Economics

The development of precision livestock farming (PLF) technologies for application in grazing systems is rapidly evolving. PLF technologies that facilitate the spatial and temporal management of variability in landscapes, pastures and animals promise to improve the efficiency, profitability and sustainability of livestock farming. However, such technologies as a complete package do not yet exist in grazing systems and the question of impacts at the farm system level remains unresolved. Other potential... K. Behrendt, T. Takahashi, M.S. Rutter