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Groulx, D
Gillingham, V
Balasundram, S.K
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Abu Kassim, F
Vadamalai, G
Mohd Hanif, A
Balasundram, S.K
Farooque, A.A
Zaman, Q.U
Groulx, D
Schumann, A.W
Esau, T.J
Chang, Y.K
Liaghat, S
Balasundram, S.K
Rudolph, S
Marchant, B.P
Gillingham, V
Kindred, D
Sylvester-Bradley, R
Balasundram, S.K
Husni, M.H
Precision Crop Protection
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Big Data Mining & Statistical Issues in Precision Agriculture
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Filter results5 paper(s) found.

1. Artificial Neural Network Techniques To Predict Orange Spotting Disease In Oil Palm

       Large-Scale oil palm plantations require timely detection of disease symptoms to enable effective intervention. Orange spotting is an emerging disease that significantly reduces oil palm productivity. Remote sensing technology offers the means to detect crop biophysical properties, including crop stress, in a cost effective and non destructive manner. In this study, different portable sensors were used to measure spectral reflectance and chlorophyll... S. Liaghat, S.K. Balasundram

2. A Non-Destructive Method of Estimating Red Tip Disease in Pineapple

Red Tip disease typically reduces pineapple yields by up to 50%. At present, the causal agent of Red Tip disease is still unconfirmed. B... F. Abu kassim, G. Vadamalai, A. Mohd hanif, S.K. Balasundram

3. Sensor Fusion on a Wild Blueberry Harvester for Fruit Yield, Plant Height and Topographic Features Mapping to Improve Crop Productivity

  Site-specific crop management can improve profitability and environmental risks of wild blueberry crop having large spatial variation in soil/plant characteristics, topographic features which may affect fruit yield. An integrated automated sensor fusion system including an ultrasonic sensor, a digital color camera, a slope sensor,... A.A. Farooque, Q.U. Zaman, D. Groulx, A.W. Schumann, T.J. Esau, Y.K. Chang

4. 'Spatial Discontinuity Analysis' a Novel Geostatistical Algorithm for On-farm Experimentation

Traditional agronomic experimentation is restricted to small plots. Under appropriate experimental designs the effects of uncontrolled environmental variables are minimized and the measured responses (e.g. in yields) are compared to controllable inputs (seed, tillage, fertilizer, pesticides) using well-trusted design-based statistical methods. However, the implementation of such experiments can be complex and the application, management, and harvesting of treated areas might have to... S. Rudolph, B.P. Marchant, V. Gillingham, D. Kindred, R. Sylvester-bradley

5. Application of Radio Frequency Identification Technology in Agriculture: a Case with Dragon Fruit

Global and local concerns about food safety are turning food traceability into a trade requirement. Typically, a Food Traceability Scheme (FTS) discloses information about food production and its distribution process. A reliable FTS will increase consumer trust in the quality and safety of farm produce. In Malaysia, dragon fruit is a profitable commodity that is growing in export value. Hence, dragon fruit is an excellent candidate for FTS solution development.  ... S.K. Balasundram, M.H. Husni