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Garcia, L
Giriyappa, M
Grappadelli, L.C
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Garcia, L
Elhaddad, A
Giriyappa, M
Sheshadri, T
Hanumanthappa, D
Shankar, M
Salimath, S.B
Rudramuni, T
Raju, N
Devakumar, N
Mallikaarjuna, G
Malagi, M.T
Jangandi, S
Bresilla, K
Manfrini, L
Boini, A
Perulli, G
Morandi, B
Grappadelli, L.C
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Precision Nutrient Management
Big Data, Data Mining and Deep Learning
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Filter results3 paper(s) found.

1. Using A Surface Energy Model (reset) To Determine The Spatial Variability Of ET Within And Between Agricultural Fields

Remote sensing algorithms are currently being used to estimate regional surface fluxes (e.g. evapotranspiration (ET)). Many of these surface energy balance models use information derived from satellite imagery such as aircraft, Landsat, AVHRR, ASTER, and MODIS to estimate ET. The remote sensing approach to estimating ET provides advantages over traditional methods. One of the most important advantages is that it can provide estimates of actual ET for each pixel in the image. Most conventional... L. Garcia, A. Elhaddad

2. Precision Nutrient Management For Enhancing The Yield Of Groundnut In Peninsular India

               Groundnut is an important oil seed crop grown in an area of around 8 lakh hectares in Karnataka state of India under rainfed conditions. In these situations farmers applied inadequate fertilizer without knowing the initial nutrient status of the soil which resulted in low nutrient use efficiency that intern lead to low productivity of groundnut in these areas. Soil fertility deterioration due to... M. Giriyappa, T. Sheshadri, D. Hanumanthappa, M. Shankar, S.B. Salimath, T. Rudramuni, N. Raju, N. Devakumar, G. Mallikaarjuna, M.T. Malagi, S. Jangandi

3. Using Deep Learning - Convolutional Naural Networks (CNNS) for Real-Time Fruit Detection in the Tree

Image/video processing for fruit detection in the tree using hard-coded feature extraction algorithms have shown high accuracy on fruit detection during recent years. While accurate, these approaches even with high-end hardware are still computationally intensive and too slow for real-time systems. This paper details the use of deep convolution neural networks architecture based on single-stage detectors. Using deep-learning techniques eliminates the need for hard-code specific features for specific... K. Bresilla, L. Manfrini, A. Boini, G. Perulli, B. Morandi, L.C. Grappadelli