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Helgason, C
Hassaballa, A.A
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Zhang, X
Helgason, C
Seielstad, G
Shi, L
Al-Gaadi, K
Hassaballa, A.A
Tola, E
Madugundu, R
Kayad, A.G
Spatial and Temporal Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Precision Agriculture and Global Food Security
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Zone Mapping Application for Precision-farming: a Decision Support Tool for Variable Rate Application

We have developed a web-based decision support tool, Zone Mapping Application for Precision Farming (ZoneMAP, http://zonemap.umac.org), which can automatically determine the optimal number of management zones and delineate them using satellite imagery and field survey data provided by users. Application rates, say for fertilizer, can be prescribed for each zone and downloaded in a variety of formats to ensure compatibility with GPS-enabled farming applicators. ZoneMAP is linked to Digital Northern... X. Zhang, C. Helgason, G. Seielstad, L. Shi

2. Applying a Bivariate Frequency Ratio Technique for Potato High Yield Susceptibility Mapping

Spatial variation of soil characteristics and vegetation conditions are viewed as the most important indicators of crop yield status. Therefore, this study was designed to develop a crop yield prediction model through spatial autocorrelation between the actual yield of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) crop and selected yield status indicators (soil N, EC, pH, texture and vegetation condition), where the vegetation condition was represented by the cumulative normalized difference vegetation index... K. Al-gaadi, A.A. Hassaballa, E. Tola, R. Madugundu, A.G. Kayad