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Fortes, R
Yost, M.A
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Yost, M.A
Kitchen, N.R
Sudduth, K.A
Drummond, S.T
Massey, R.E
Cabrera Dengra, M
Ferraz Pueyo, C
Pajuelo Madrigal, V
Moreno Heras, L
Inunciaga Leston, G
Fortes, R
Profitability and Success Stories in Precision Agriculture
Profitability and Success Stories in Precision Agriculture
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. A Long-Term Precision Agriculture System Maintains Profitability

After two decades of availability of grain yield-mapping technology, long-term trends in field-scale profitability for precision agriculture (PA) systems and conservation practices can now be assessed. Field-scale profitability of a conventional or ‘business-as-usual’ system with an annual corn (Zea mays L.)-soybean (Glycine max [L.]) rotation and annual tillage was assessed for 11 years on a 36-ha field in central Missouri during 1993 to 2003. Following this, a ‘precision agriculture... M.A. Yost, N.R. Kitchen, K.A. Sudduth, S.T. Drummond, R.E. Massey

2. Use of MLP Neural Networks for Sucrose Yield Prediction in Sugarbeet

INTRODUCTION Sugar beet is one of the more technified agro industries in Spain. In the last years, it has leaded as well the digital transformation with the objective of maintaining sugar beet competitivity both national and internationally. Among other lines, very high potential has been identified in determining the sucrose content using a combination of Artificial Intelligence and Remote Sensing. This work presents the conclusions of an extensive data acquisition task, creation of... M. Cabrera dengra, C. Ferraz pueyo, V. Pajuelo madrigal, L. Moreno heras, G. Inunciaga leston, R. Fortes