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Mueller, T.G
McFadden, J
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Dosskey, M.G
Mueller, T.G
McFadden, J
Rosburg, A
Precision Conservation
Profitability and Success Stories in Precision Agriculture
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Designing Variable-width Filter Strips Using GIS And Terrain Analysis

Filter strips are a widely-used practice for reducing the load of pollutants that leave agricultural fields in overland runoff. They are typically designed to intercept uniformly-distributed runoff with a constant width strip along a field margin. Non-uniform runoff flow, however, can reduce the effectiveness of a constant-width filter strip. Non-uniform flow is created by topographic undulations and swales in fields that concentrate runoff into certain locations... M.G. Dosskey, T.G. Mueller

2. Yield Maps, Soil Maps, and Technical Efficiency: Evidence from U.S. Corn Fields

Yield maps and GPS-based soil maps have been increasingly used in U.S. agriculture but little research has explored the economic relationship between mapping technologies and agricultural productivity. Research on this relationship is lacking, perhaps because maps are information inputs that do not directly enter the production function in a comparable way to conventional inputs. A stochastic frontier model was used to evaluate one potential avenue through which mapping technologies may influence... J. Mcfadden, A. Rosburg