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Evans, F
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Cook, S
Lacoste, M
Evans, F
Ridout, M
Gibberd, M
Oberthur, T
Cook, S
Lacoste, M
Evans, F
Tremblay, N
Adamchuk, V
On Farm Experimentation with Site-Specific Technologies
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. An On-farm Experimental Philosophy for Farmer-centric Digital Innovation

In this paper, we review learnings gained from early On-Farm Experiments (OFE) conducted in the broadacre Australian grain industry from the 1990s to the present day. Although the initiative was originally centered around the possibilities of new data and analytics in precision agriculture, we discovered that OFEs could represent a platform for engaging farmers around digital technologies and innovation. Insight from interacting closely with farmers and advisors leads us to argue for a change... S. Cook, M. Lacoste, F. Evans, M. Ridout, M. Gibberd, T. Oberthur

2. On-Farm Experimentation and Decision-Support Workshop

This 3-hour workshop discusses the requirements, methods and theories that may be used to assist in making optimal crop management decisions. The first part will focus on on-farm experimentation (OFE): 1) organization and benefits of OFE; 2) social processes and engagement; 3) designs, data and statistics. The second part will demonstrate how to generate insights applicable at the individual farm level using results from research trials collected in a diversity of contexts. Data sharing, meta-analyses... S. Cook, M. Lacoste, F. Evans, N. Tremblay, V. Adamchuk