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Bremer, E
Brian, S
Bonnardel, B
Bae, I
Crnojevic, V
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Greer, K
Burns, J
Bremer, E
Brian, S
Toledo, O.M
Tang, L
Tagarakis, A.C
van Evert, F
Milic, D
Crnojevic, V
Crnojevic-Bengin, V
Kempenaar, C
Ljubicic, N
Seo, Y
Lee, W
Kim, Y
Chung, S
Jang, S
Bae, I
Bonnardel, B
Bonnardel, B
Modeling and Geo-statistics
Emerging Issues in Precision Agriculture (Energy, Biofuels, Climate Change, Standards)
Small Holders and Precision Agriculture
Precision Horticulture
Small Holders and Precision Agriculture
Precision Agriculture and Global Food Security
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Filter results6 paper(s) found.

1. Evaluation of PRS(TM) Probe Technology and Model for Variable Rate Fertilizer Application in Hummocky Fields in Saskatchewan

... K. Greer, J. Burns, E. Bremer

2. Assessing Impact Of Precision On Agricultural Energy Requirements: Weed Control Case Study

The anticipated world population increase demands growth in sustainable food production. The current trend is to use more efficient agricultural processes in order to increase food production. Precision agriculture (PA) technology provides the means to increase equipment productivity and field and input efficiency. The concept of small modular and scalable intelligent machines tries to address the challenge of more productivity with the goal of reduced cost and power. In addition,... S. Brian, O.M. Toledo, L. Tang

3. Opportunities for Precision Agriculture in Serbia

The aim of this paper is to analyze the factors leading to low adoption rate of precision farming in Serbia and to describe steps being taken by BioSense institute to increase it. The majority of the arable land in Serbia is grown by small family owned and operated farms most of which are in the range of 2 to 5 ha making them highly unsustainable. Only 16% of the arable land is managed by agricultural companies and cooperatives. We believe that the adoption of advanced technologies with the currently... A.C. Tagarakis, F. Van evert, D. Milic, V. Crnojevic, V. Crnojevic-bengin, C. Kempenaar, N. Ljubicic

4. Variability Analysis of Temperature and Humidity for Control Optimization of a Hybrid Dehumidifier with a Heating Module for Greenhouses

Protected horticulture using greenhouses and also recently plant factories is becoming more popular, especially for high-value crops such as paprika, tomato, strawberry, due to year-round production of high yield and better quality crops under controlled environment. Temperature and humidity are most important ambient environmental factors for not only optimum crop growth but also disease control. This study was conducted to analyze vertical and spatial variability of temperature and humidity... Y. Seo, W. Lee, Y. Kim, S. Chung, S. Jang, I. Bae

5. Farmer Charlie - Low Cost Data Analytics for Farmers Accessible in the Field

Farmer Charlie, a spin-off of AB5 Consulting Ltd, is based on an affordable business model including five elements: a data analytics platform, an agribusiness ecosystem app, capable of connecting with local third-party apps; weather and in field sensors; wi-fi Internet connectivity; and power to the field and farms via solar panels, where necessary. Farmer Charlie brings information to farmers in their own fields, in an easy plug and play solution, affordable to the farmers and addressing their... B. Bonnardel

6. Farmer Charlie - Low Cost Smart Local Data Available to Remote Farmers

Farmer Charlie brings connectivity and information to farmers, who receive tailored agronomic data to improve their agricultural practice. Farmer Charlie is based on on-site sensors through which soil data can be detected, gathered, and processed by a dedicated server. Broadband communication allows farmers to receive real-time, localised information on tablet or mobile phone. Farmer Charlie is a low-cost solution, it can be adapted to various crops and to detect soil humidity, pH, temperature,... B. Bonnardel