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Hawks, A
Hu, H
Hauschild, L
Hülsbergen, K.J
Hawkins, E
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Li, T
Hu, J
Gao, L
Hu, H
Bai, X
Liu, X
Amakor, X
Jacobson, A.R
Cardon, G.E
Hawks, A
Barnes, W
Strenner, M
Maidl, F.X
Hülsbergen, K.J
Colley III, R
Fulton, J
Virk, S
Hawkins, E
Hauschild, L
Kristensen, A.R
Andretta, I
Pomar, C
Remus, A
Pomar, C
Andretta, I
Rivest, J
Hauschild, L
Pomar, J
Pomar, C
Andretta, I
Hauschild, L
Kipper, M
Pires, P.S
Fulton, J.P
Hawkins, E
Colley III, R
Port, K
Shearer, S
Klopfenstein, A
Fulton, J.P
Shearer, S.A
Gauci, A
Lindsey, A
Barker, D
Hawkins, E
Fulton, J.P
Hawkins, E
Shearer, S
Klopfenstein, A
Hartschuh, J
Custer, S
Fulton, J.P
Wilson, D
Tietje, R
Hawkins, E
Guidance, Robotics, Automation, and GPS Systems
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
Site-Specific Nutrient, Lime and Seed Management
Precision Dairy and Livestock Management
On Farm Experimentation with Site-Specific Technologies
On Farm Experimentation with Site-Specific Technologies
In-Season Nitrogen Management
On Farm Experimentation with Site-Specific Technologies
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Filter results11 paper(s) found.

1. Apparent Electrical Conductivity Calibration In Semiarid Soils: Ion-pair Correction

The electromagnetic induction sensor (EM38DD) is a field proven portable sensor for rapid measurement of the apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) of soils. Calibration with the electrical conductivity of saturation paste extracts is the most widely used method to correlate ECa with the effective electrical conductivity (ECe). A drawback of this method is the formation of ion pairs in the high ionic strength saturated paste extracts, which effectively decreases the measured ECe, leading to the... X. Amakor, A.R. Jacobson, G.E. Cardon, A. Hawks, W. Barnes

2. Research on Straight-Line Path Tracking Control Methods in an Agricultural Vehicle Navigation System

In the precision agriculture (PA), an agricultural vehicle navigation system is essential and precision of the vehicle path tracking is of great importance in such a system. As straight line operation is the main way of agricultural vehicles on large fields, this paper focuses on the discussion of straight-line path tracking control methods and proposes an agricultural vehicle path tracking algorithm based on the optimal control theory. First, the paper deduces a relative kinematics model of agricultural... T. Li, J. Hu, L. Gao, H. Hu, X. Bai, X. Liu

3. Nitrogen Sensing by Using Spectral Reflectance Measurements in Cereal Rye Canopy

Cereal rye (cereale secale L.) is a winter crop well suited for cultivation especially besides high yield areas because of its relatively low demands on the soil and on the climate as well. In 2016 about 4.9% of arable land in Germany was cultivated with cereal rye (Statistisches Bundesamt, 2017). Unlike other crops such as wheat, there is little research on cereal rye for site specific farming. Furthermore, also in a cereal rye cultivation it is necessary to minimize nitrogen loss.... M. Strenner, F.X. Maidl, K.J. Hülsbergen

4. Field Level Management and Data Verification of Variable Rate Fertilizer Application

Increased cost efficiencies and ease of use make spinner-disc spreaders the primary method of applying fertilizers throughout much of the United States. Recently, advances in spreader systems have enabled multiple fertilizer products to be applied at variable application rates. This provides greater flexibility during site-specific management of in-field fertility. Physical and aerodynamic properties vary for fertilizer granules of different sources and densities, these properties in turn affect... R. Colley iii, J. Fulton, S. Virk, E. Hawkins

5. Dynamic Feeding Intake Monitoring in Growing-Finishing Pigs Reared Under Precision Feeding Strategies

Pigs exposed to challenges with no prior experience change their daily feeding intake pattern. A method identifying deviations from normal feeding patterns could be used to develop a model framework to estimate individual nutrient requirements of challenged pigs fed with precision feeding systems. The objective of this study was to develop a tool for early identification of feed intake deviations in precision fed growing-finishing pigs. Feed intake measurements collected during 84 d in 126 growing–finishing... L. Hauschild, A.R. Kristensen, I. Andretta, C. Pomar, A. Remus

6. Precision Feeding Can Significantly Reduce Lysine Intake and Nitrogen Excretion Without Compromising the Performance of Growing Pigs

The impact of using a mathematical model estimating real-time daily lysine requirements in a sustainable precision feeding program for growing pigs was investigated in two performance trials. Three treatments were tested in the first trial (60 pigs of 41.2±0.5 kg): a three-phase feeding program (3P) obtained by blending fixed proportions of feeds A (high nutrient concentration) and B (low nutrient concentration); and two daily-phase feeding programs in which the blended proportions of feeds... C. Pomar, I. Andretta, J. Rivest, L. Hauschild, J. Pomar

7. Environmental Impacts of Precision Feeding Programs Applied in Brazilian Pig Production

This study was undertaken to evaluate the effect that switching from conventional to precision feeding systems during the growing-finishing phase would have on the potential environmental impact of Brazilian pig production. Standard life-cycle assessment procedures were used, with a cradle-to-farm gate boundary. The inputs and outputs of each interface of the life cycle were organized in a model. Grain production was independently characterized in the Central-West and South regions of Brazil,... C. Pomar, I. Andretta, L. Hauschild, M. Kipper, P.S. Pires

8. eFields – An On-Farm Research Network to Inform Farm Recommendations

On-farm research has been traditionally used to provide local, field-scale information about agronomic practices. Farmers tend to have more confidence in on-farm research results because they are perceived to be more relevant to their farm operations compared to small plot research results. In recent years, more farmers have been conducting on-farm studies to help evaluate practices and input decisions.  Recent advances in precision agriculture technologies have stream-lined the on-farm... J.P. Fulton, E. Hawkins, R. Colley iii, K. Port, S. Shearer, A. Klopfenstein

9. Limitations of Yield Monitor Data to Support Field-scale Research

Precision agriculture adoption on farms continues to grow globally on farms.  Today, yield monitors have become standard technologies on grain, cotton and sugarcane harvesters.  In recent years, we have seen industry and even academics leveraging the adoption of precision agriculture technologies to conduct field-scale, on-farm research.  Industry has been a primary driver of the increase in on-farm research globally through the development of software to support on-farm research. ... J.P. Fulton, S.A. Shearer, A. Gauci, A. Lindsey, D. Barker, E. Hawkins

10. Nitrogen Placement Considerations for Maize Production in the Eastern US Cornbelt

Proper fertilizer placement is essential to optimize crop performance and amount of applied nitrogen (N) along with crop yield potential. There exists several practices currently used in both research within farming operations on how and when to apply N to maize (Zea mays L). Split applications of N in Ohio is popular with farmers and provides an economic benefit but more recently some farmers have been using mid- and late-season N fertilizer applications for their maize production. ... J.P. Fulton, E. Hawkins, S. Shearer, A. Klopfenstein, J. Hartschuh, S. Custer

11. Creating Value from On-farm Research: Efields Data Workflow and Management Successes and Challenges

Farm operations today generate a large amount of data that can be difficult to properly manage. This challenge is further compounded when conducting on-farm research. The Ohio State University eFields program partners with farmers to conduct on-farm research and share results in a timely manner. Since 2017, the team has conducted and shared 987 trials across Ohio with the annual number of trials increasing from 45 to 292. This rapid increase has required development of a data workflow that streamlines... J.P. Fulton, D. Wilson, R. Tietje, E. Hawkins